| | Water Fasting

Broke my fast by accident, does anybody else do this sometimes?

16:8 and lost 13 lbs so far, but today I slipped completely by accident. I brought drinks for everybody at work and a water for me and for some stupid reason, I picked up a coke and took a big gulp. This was 3 hours before the end of my fast.
I’ve been doing well so I’m not beating myself up to much. I’ll get back on the wagon again tomorrow. Has this ever happened to you? Maybe a food sample at the grocery store or the candy dish at the bank?

Update for clarification - I appreciate the support, I’m not worried about gaining weight from that little bit of soda. This is more of a facepalm, I’m the idiot for not thinking about my fast when I took a swig of a drink that wasn’t even mine lol!

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Yes…and I don’t actually think its a bad idea to do occasionally. If you can find a way to incorporate the concept of IF into your life without becoming militant/stressed about it, you are more likely to carry away life habits that will stay with you, instead of a fad diet followed by rapid weight gain during the “rewarding myself for the discipline” rebound period.


All the time, lol. I do a different type of fast though, a 36:12 split (it’s alternative day fasting, although technically “intermittent” too). So when I do break my fast, I try to keep it to a small window so that I still end up having an OMAD day or something like a 20:4 day. That’s part of the reason I do the 36:12, so I can break it and still get positive results.


I “dirty fasted” by drinking coffee or energy drinks in the mornings and still lost 50 lbs. As long as you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming, you’re good. Don’t be hard on yourself or you’ll lose the motivation.

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