| | Water Fasting

Building up to fasting this time

I have been doing 18/6 for a while after falling off a good keto, IF, and prolonged fasting routine. This time I am thinking if slowing expanfing my fasts. Did 24 hours today and by the time I was ready to eat I was very hungry. Going to keep doing 23 or 24 hours for a week or until I get used to it. Then go to occasional 36 hours and expand slowly from there. Does anyone else follow a similar pattern?

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I started in similar way. I would also strategically time start and end of the fast. For 24 hours fasts I liked to start around 4:00 - 7:00 PM on given day. Thanks to that, the evening was ok, night I was sleeping so wouldn’t feel any hunger. Then next morning is usually ok and only afternoon was suffering. So 24 hour fast like that would end up being relatively short suffering. Similar for 36 hours, I would start the fast around 8:00 PM, that way in 36 hour period I would have 2 nights. It’s easy to fast when sleeping :).

I’ve done many fasts off keto diet and it really helps. Doing fast off regular diet is way more difficult in my opinion.

Keep pushing, it’s worth it!


If that’s the method that you think will work for you, then by all means pursue it. You might inherently know what sort of things won’t work for you, so if you think you need to ease into longer fasting, try that method. For example, without trying it, I know with certainty that I would cheat if I tried to do a pure water fast. So, I dirty water fast, so I can keep my caffeine.

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Categories: to fast keto prolonged fasting evening sleep morning 24 hour fast water fast