| | Water Fasting

Bumped up to two 18:6 and five 16:8 fasts a week - I'm SO hungry! 😂

Just wanted to ask if this was normal. I feel so good physically with this new routine, and I’m getting in two exercise days a week on top of that. I really do feel like I’m more confident in my body and my strength is going up.

But I’m now super hungry in the days leading up to 18:6 fast days. As a result, I haven’t stayed within my calorie goals and actually needed to skip fasting three times instead of two this past week. 😥

My measurements are going down, but slooooowly. Is this just my body just reacting to more ardent fasting? Or am I putting myself in danger of something?

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I felt like this when trying to do back to back 22 hour fasts. I realized my body wanted more food. I did shorter fasts for one week, from 14-20 hours, switching it as I felt comfortable. Last week I ate maintenance calories the whole week, with 18 hours as average fasting time. I was a bit disappointed, but I’m back on the wagon this week. Sometimes if your body wants to eat you gotta feed it. Then start over when you feel comfortable. How are your calories? Are you eating at BMR?

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