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caffeine pill while dry fasting?


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You’re adding caffeine, a stressor, on top of an already stressed body is dry fasted state. Not a good idea. The additional work it adds to your heart alone is likely no good.

Good fermenting inside you?i wouldn’t worry about that. If anything your body simply continues to clear things up and a decreased food load aids the cleanup process.


For God sake, it’s dry fasting. If you need anything else to keep up reevaluate your goals, willpower and what you’re doing. If you’re not trying to change your habits and eating patterns nothing will change on the long run, just a matter of time until you gain everything back with some interest. You’re taking some sort of drug while drying fasting to go toilet? Eat real food and this won’t be necessary. Of you have a healthy diet with enough fiber you will go to the toilet in the moment your body needs flush out.


So other than a lot of dogma around coffee and caffeine, there’s no consensus..

The interstellar blends guy, recommends espresso shots with his plant blends while dry fasted(up to 88 hours).

Caffeine is a diuretic, so it will pull some electrolytes out of you but will help you push out food.

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Categories: dry fasting stress dry fast heart habits oil healthy diet fiber coffee electrolytes