I’m currently restarting my fast after my last one was cut short by headaches and nausea. I understand this is because of electrolytes but I was definitely taking them. Is there a way to calculate how much sodium, potassium, and magnesium I need for a certain body weight? I weigh around 274 as it is and I was taking the recommended dose on the wiki. I know you can just up it if you don’t feel great, but I’d like to start at the correct dosage for someone of my size.
I don’t have it perfect yet, but I messed up bad. So since then, I got one of those half gallon jugs with the hours etched in the side. I add all my salt, etc for the day, then every couple hours I drink to the mark.
That way I stay evenly hydrated and evenly electrolyted through the day.
If you’ve shit your pants, you’ve had too much.
If you have a headache you need more.
Nausea has a variety of sources. My guess is you need to cut your recipe with a little bit of acid (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) Maybe a table spoon of each or one or the other.