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Can anyone else not lose weight with IF?

Initially I tried several weeks of fasting between 16 and 20, hours a day, eating clean healthy meals and not binging, but lost no weight. Then I switched to OMAD for another couple of weeks, again eating very healthy and usually fairly small portions and still lost no weight at all. Finally I switched to ADF and now the weight is starting to come off, which is fantastic, but doing rolling 32-48 hour fasts does mean long periods without eating on a daily basis. I guess seeing endless impressive progress pics of ppl who lose a lot of weight doing just 16:8 makes me a little disappointed that I’ve gotta do ADF to see any noticeable change. Can anyone else relate to this?

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I’ve had better success with a weekly 36 hour fast than 16/8. I initially lost some weight with 16/8, but sort of plateaued. A weekly extended fast bumped me back into regular weight loss. It’s a bit like a long run in how it makes me feel too, I just like it better.


I’m so glad you posted this! I’m in the same boat! I’ve been doing ADF since late November and I went down about 10 pounds before Christmas. I took one week off and tried to just do mindful eating. Gained it all back. Went back to ADF the second week of January and still haven’t reached my pre-Christmas low. It’s hard. I’ve been obese for at least 25-30 years, so that doesn’t get fixed over night, I guess. There’s a time dependent issue when it comes to obesity, according to Dr.Fung. The longer you’ve been overweight, the harder it is to come off. He said to compare someone who has been overweight for 20+ years to someone who put on 15 pounds in their first year of college. They most likely will not lose at the same rate, generally speaking. It most certainly isn’t ONLY about CICO.


Same. I started after Christmas. So it’s been well over a month. I’ve lost NOTHING. I do 18 hours most days. I do intense hot yoga multiple times a week. I watch what I eat and make nutritious meals at home 95% of the time.

This week I’m going to try ADF/36 hr, but wow, everyone else’s weight loss makes me think 1. Other people must eat like shit 2. My body hates me.


I’ve been fasting for months and having lost weight. I actually started with ADF in December and didn’t lose weight but I was also binging over the holidays. Then I switched to 19:5 and sprinkled in some 16:8s as “cheat days”. I didn’t lose anything. I started counting calories a few days ago and I feel lighter though I haven’t weighed myself yet.


  1. Are you measuring your circumference, (lol) or just your weight? You *can* get thinner while not losing scale weight.
  2. A couple of weeks really isn’t going to tell you anything. Pick a plan and give it a month. Do what’s easy/comfortable for you so you can sustain it for a month. Measure your waist once a week. Take a pic today and then take a pic a month from now.
  3. Make sure you’re doing it right. Artificial sweeteners can spike insulin so if you’re putting maltodextrin-filled splenda packets in your coffee, that’s breaking your fast. Taking supplements? Drinking anything other than water? Have you read a book on fasting, etc to learn about it?

Good luck!


Just doing 16/8 keeps me from gaining weight. To lose weight I have to add a weekly 36 hour or count calories and stay in a deficit during my 8 hour window.

Also, if I’m not getting 8 hours of sleep I won’t lose weight. It’s just one of those things I guess.


You didn’t mention the word “calories” in your post, not even once.

In order to lose weight you must eat at a caloric deficit.

If you have no idea how many calories per day you are eating you really can’t complain about not losing weight.


Impossible, if you intake less calories than calories burned (resting+active) you will lose weight eventually. This is not up for debate, it is a thermodynamic law. You are either: underestimating calories in or overestimating calories out. Maybe give it more time and sharpen your pencil for the calorie calculations and you will see results


The only reason you’re seeing results with ADF is because you’re not eating in a calorie deficit otherwise. I’d be willing to bet $100 that even when you’re doing 20:4 you’re eating more than your calories out.

Portion size is completely subjective. Until you actually count calories, then the rest is meaningless. Now, if you count calories and are negative in CICO, and still cant lose weight, then you need to see a Dr.


Rolling ADF (36:12) is the only regimen that works for me. I have done 18:6, 20:4, and OMAD. None worked well at all. Combination of misery and plateaus. I hate calorie restrictions and I really hate stopping dinner while I’m still hungry. I just do 36:12 continually. It’s integrated into my life and my body seems completely comfortable with the rhythm of \~24 hours running on food intake followed by \~24 hours running off body fat. I think some of us need that to be effective in our weight loss. It could be insulin resistance. I have reason to suspect it is given what my doc has told me.

I wish I could do something less aggressive. It affects social life. My wife is wonderfully supportive eating on her own 3 to 4 days per week. I don’t overthink it. I accept that some people can 16:8 50 pounds off with ease. That’s not me.

It has become “normal” for me and I’m not tempted to do any other regimen until I’m hitting maintenance.

You need to decide what’s right for you, but you should now see that you’re not unique in having to go to ADF for significant weight loss.


I’m sure maintaining the discipline make the results show sooner or later. Sometimes it takes me week to get over a plateau.

Have tried exercising? It helps your body get into a fasting state sooner, and the bigger muscles you have the more energy they consume so you’ll be losing weight faster as well.


I had gestational diabetes. I had Insulin Resistance after that. Basically, CICO and IF caused no weight loss, made me frustrated, I gave up thrice after fasting for months each time. And I read about IR in Dr Fung’s books and i realized my body was not going into fat burning mode because of high levels of insulin in my blood. I started doing 24 hour fasts and the weight came off. Now I am doing OMAD while eating plant based diets, clean water only fasts, cutting out sugars and walking 45 minutes a day. This and occasional 32 hour fasts are the only things that work for me. CICO alone would not work for me. I had to really restrict the insulin spikes.

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