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Can calorie restriction result in reduced metabolism that offsets the benefits?

Ive been on a daily 500 calorie restriction diet since the beginning of the year. Consuming roughly 1500 calories as an height and weight male. But I also run for 45 mins/day and burn approx 600 calories. I’ve achieved my deficit by doing my morning run on an empty stomach and making lunch my first meal of the day. Looking for some insight.

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You’re definitely doing too much, you’re not recovering from the runs and you’re going to be malnourished and low in minerals and vitamins (some vitamins get depleted in exercise).Edit: if you’re starting out in weightloss, adding lean muscle is far more effective at weightloss in the long run. Muscle tissue burns more calories and you don’t need to keep up with as often as excessive cardio. It’s also healthier for when you’re older.

doesn’t answer your question directly. But it can happen but usually under specific circumstances. Most of the time it’s mistaken from the person lowering their activity levels as their bodies low in calories and encourages them to not move as much.


I highly recommend hitting the gym for 30-45 minutes and stretching for 30 minutes too. I made the mistake of not doing this and was messing up my body. I took 3 months off of running to release and build muscles. Now I can run faster, longer, and I feel amazing.


When you run doesn’t change how many calories it burns.

Changing when you eat doesn’t change the calories in the meal.

Can a prolonged caloric deficit cause a reduction in BMR and cause metablic damage over time? Yes. However this usually occurs over years of significant restricted eating and/or excessive exercise.

It doesn’t happen with a few weeks eating at a 500 calorie a day deficit.


Calorie math is basically astrology. It completely ignores the complexity of how the human body functions. You should concentrate on eating a healthy balanced diet and keep up the exercise but don’t starve yourself. If you’re hungry, it’s probably because your body needs more nutrients.

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Categories: calorie restriction calories deficit morning stomach lunch recover mineral vitamin muscle cardio courage balanced diet