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Can I break up the 8 in 16:8?

I’m a beginner just starting to look into IF. Lately I’ve naturally drifted into eating later and later in the day (minus a coffee with cream), sometimes not until 12pm, maybe a small bowl of fruit earlier, which got me thinking about doing it purposefully since I am trying to lose weight. The thing is, I kinda like the small bowl of fruit and an egg because I really lack energy in the day. Is it reasonable to do that, a small lunch (usually rice and an egg) at 12:30 then not eat until my larger 6pm dinner (and sometimes dessert)? IDK if this counts as IF or something different, I’m not really sure where else to ask.

Edit: Thanks for the answers everyone. Based on the responses I guess IF isn’t quite what I’m doing/looking for but you’ve all been helpful.

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Yea so again back to your original question, if u can’t do the black coffee it’s really not fasting. There are other options out there but that’s on you lol. You can just suck it up and get used to the black coffee if it’s the ONLY thing holding you back. There’s studies out there regarding calorie in/ out with very small meals slowing metabolism and I know it’s never worked for me.


16:8 mainly means you skip 1 meal (usually morning or evening meal). Fasting means you are not taking in calories (zero) so you insulin has time to baseline and your body converts to consuming fat (ketones) for fuel. Having snacks or cream in you coffee means you are not fasting or doing IF.

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