| | Water Fasting

Can I do 120 hrs snake juice fasts while still resistance training?

I had posted on here about wanting to be 130 pounds from 165 by February. I now weight 147 but it’s like I’m still squishy. I only did one 5 day water fast and one 9 day water fast. Now I want to make my arms look tighter and my tummy less flabby. Have any of you done this before? I would fast for 5 days and then refeed for 2 until I reach my goals. My last 5 day fast wasn’t hard at all. I kept busy and the days went by quickly. I can’t do intense because it makes me super hungry.

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You probably don’t want to hear this but you need to eat more often and exercise more often. That’s how you will firm up your body and develop a normal eating schedule. Drop those fast down to 72 hours and eventually 48 hours and then you could even do alternate day fasting. Starting incorporating exercise on your refeed days. 👊🐍

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