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Can I do a two day fast , eat a meal , and then jump into another two day fast ?

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No problem. But I think you will make you life a lot easier if you stay in keto, which means stay low on carb - which carbonara is not exactly. This means way way less hunger feelings next fast.

So a hamburger without the bun or something. Grilled paprika & onions on top, things like that. Add some streaky bacon and cheese. Under the grill with the whole thing. Damn…getting hungry.


Yes, its called rolling fasts. BTW, if its one meal you are having between 2 day fasts, ie. OMAD, then you are actually doing rolling 72hr fasts not 48’s.

Eg. Say I eat my one and only meal between fasts at 6pm on Monday, fast all day Tuesday and Wednesday and eat a single OMAD meal at 6pm on Thursday, thats 72hrs between putting down the fork at the end of the Monday OMAD and picking back up a fork to eat the Thursday OMAD. The folks who say its a 48 say that because 2 full fasted calendar days is 2x24=48hrs, but with OMAD its actually 3x24hr periods fasted. ie. 6pm Monday to 6pm Tuesday is 24hrs, 6pm Tuesday to 6pm Wednesday is another 24hrs and 6pm Wednesday to 6pm Thursday when you actually eat again is another 24hrs.

2 full calendar days fasted only gets close to being a legitimate 48hr fast if one is eating all day on the eating days. Eg. Say someone eats breakfast at 8am, lunch, dinner and a midnight snack at 11:59pm. Their last meal when they put down put the twinkie wrapper in the trash means the fast starts at 11:59pm Monday, fasted all day Tuesday and Wednesday and breaking the fast with breakfast on the Thursday. 11:59- Monday to 11:59 Tuesday to 11:59 Wednesday to 8:00am Thursday is 24+24+8=56hr fast. So still more than a 48hr fast despite it being two full calendar days fasted.

Overall point is that the least confusing way to denote fasts is from the time you last put down the fork until the time you pick one back up again and time in bed asleep overnight still counts as fasted time.


4 day fast for example would be more beneficial than that, and when ending a long fast you shouldn’t eat a full meal. You should start with some lean protein (20-25g protein) max, then keep eating protein for another day spread out throught before eating a real meal.

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