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Can I drink black coffee?

I’m new to this and just started today

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I am not gonna lie, I am a caffeine junky. I had black coffee, sugar free Kirkland brand 5 hour energy( sugar free) once in a while. Half a shit in the morning and half a of the remaining shot in the afternoon, and occasional sugar free energy drinks.I still lost 30 lbs in 2 months. I went from 244 to 215.Now, one cool thing I noticed is I had to have less caffeine week by week because the rolling 72s were making me more sensitive to caffeine. That’s a plus I guess.*If your PRIMARY goal is to lose weight and GRADUALLY build good habits, then black coffee should be ok. But if you are trying to become more mentally strong PRIMARILLY and losing weight is secondary, ditch the coffee.


If you do have your last cup before 12:00 the half life of caffeine will be out of your system in time for sleep, I did this and it made a huge change to my quality of sleep (better still to give up entirely, but I’ve slipped back to 2-3 cups of black coffee a morning 😖)


It won’t break your fast but as Cole says, coffee is trash. There are several good reasons for breaking the dependency. I’d say quit the caffeine, get your withdrawal headache out of the way then if you do get a headache during your fasting routine you’ll know it’s not a caffeine withdrawal headache and you’ll be more likely to take the right action to correct.


in my experience the impact it has on weight loss is negligible but i guess it would depend from person to person and also depend on your personal goals. just make sure it’s strictly black coffee and you aren’t adding anything else to it.


Coffee can actually decrease mTOR activity which is good. When dry fasting, it can even dehydrate you more (which can be good or bad depending on person). Decaf is recommended if you want to sleep (lower cortisol)

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