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Can i eat normally after a 60 Hour Fast?

Do i need to re-introduce solids slowly after a 60 hour fast or can I go back to eating normally?

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Only one way to find out. Some people fast for a week and first thing they eat is a hamburger and fries no problem. Others break a 3-day fast with tomatoes and cucumbers and still have to stay near a bathroom for the next 12 hours. Do some research on “refeeding syndrome”, 60 hours probably doesn’t put you in the risk zone, but it gives you some ideas of what foods to prioritize, unless you feel ballsy and want to go the burger & fries route.


I have been doing rolling extended fasts for the past month or so. I have found that pretty much no matter what I eat after I break the fast, I’m going to end up with a pretty severe case of diarrhoea within about 60 to 90 minutes after I eat the first time. I have learned to just accept it as part of the process. As long as you stay hydrated on your re-feed days, you will probably have a brief gastric episode and then be fine afterwards.

One piece of advice I can give you, is after doing a 60 hour fast be very careful not to over eat the first day or you will give yourself a terrible case of indigestion and feel very bloated and uncomfortable. There have been days, where I have broken a 48 to 60 hour fast with some thing like steak and eggs, and within a couple of hours I have had a terrible stomach ache and it has really ruined the rest of my day. It is best to start off with something light like berries as the other poster mentioned, or a salad and see how your stomach handles that before trying something bigger.

Another important part of the equation is your starting weight. I am morbidly obese, so I am at very little danger of re-feeding syndrome. I also take electrolyte supplements, especially sodium when I am doing an extended fast. If you are just slightly overweight or if you are lean, you must be very very careful and make sure that you take electrolytes while you are doing an extended fast like 60 hours, or the consequences could be dire.


I did a 66hr fast and the info I got was to break it with some bone broth, I then had nachos with some hot salsa and that was a mistake. Food also tasted different so it maybe safe to go with bland stuff.


That’s not really a long enough fast to get refeeding syndrome, but be careful you don’t have a huge meal immediately afterward. I usually eat something small and satiating like a handful of nuts and then wait two hours before having anything else.


It varies from person to person, you just have to find what works for you. You’ll quickly learn your limits and what foods to avoid when breaking a fast that long, usually the hard way involving frequent trips to the bathroom. A couple poached eggs in some broth is really good for breaking fasts, try to minimize carbs and leafy greens.


I breka my fasts (3-4-5-6-7 or more days) always with avocado, only the yolks of eggs and a handful of walnuts.I strat feeling amazing (but hungry), wait for 1-2 hours and then eat fatty pork on the grill - neck steaks, ribs or bacon

It works wonders. Whatever you do just dont eat fried or rpocessed food or naything sugary and you will avoid the shits.


I have not had any problem with fasting longer than 4 days and eating a large meal afterwards. The problem people get into is if they do not keep their electrolytes up. A sudden change in electrolytes can be dangerous and cause refeeding syndrome. This is the risk of fasting long periods and then eating meals again. As long as you keep your electrolytes in check you should have no problem eating any amount of food after you fast.

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Categories: 60 hour fast bathroom refeeding extended fast digest tea stomach obese sodium overweight electrolytes a fast breaking fast carbs pork sugar shit