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Can I still enjoy a glass of alc?/Any advice for substance users?


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The simple answer is, yes, lots of people incorporate alcohol into their diets and lose weight, however it appears the most successful ones abstain/ or limit their alcohol intake.

Your situation is a bit more complex because you admittedly stated it’s a problem for you, so no one in good faith should be encouraging it. This would be a great convo to have with your therapist. I say this with the utmost sincerity. Best of luck to you.


Something you could consider is dry months. I know regulars who will commit to stuff like dry January or sober October etc…they end up like 15 lbs lighter at the end. If you’re someone who likes to take challenges, it can help get you started with cutting down or quitting if you like.


Two layers to this:Using alcohol as a crutch: here’s an idea, besides, just fasting, do you work out? Like lift weights? Start lifting weights, and you realize as to how impossible it becomes to lift weights after having alcohol the previous day. Are there any other big goals you’re working on? Find something to work on. When you have big goals, you don’t have time and honestly, alcohol takes a whole lot of time. So find other things to do in life to lose the alcohol.

Alcohol during fasting: look it’s not a big deal to break anything once in a while. After all you fast other days. But if you feel you go overboard, then stop it. Also, alcohol is honestly a poison to the body. Why ingest that when you are sacrificing by Fasting?

In general I would say, when somebody puts up a post here asking if they can have the 20 cal can of sparkling water when they are fasting have got it wrong. When you are fasting, as a HARD rule, consume zero calories.


What substances you choose to use are your choice. No one here can tell you what to do or not do.

There is not a single benefit to be gained from alcohol. It acts like a poison in your body because that’s what it is. Therapy etc. it’s great but ultimately any change needs to come from you. You’re an adult and you get to choose what you put in to your body. Any kind of addiction treatment relies solely on the addict wanting to stop. It doesn’t sound like you are anywhere near that point yet. I do hope you get there. I suspect you’d benefit from focusing more on recovery and less on fasting, but again that’s your choice.


not sure if this is relevant to most people here, but i smoke a shit load of weed and it hasnt seemed to effect my weight loss journey for the better or worse at all, but i suppose alc is different because of carbs, so id say, stay away from beer, and go light on the wine especially with the sugar, everything else seems fine to me, shouldn’t make a big difference on your weight loss, however I could definitely see a beer or two stopping a fast/remitting from ketosis i suppose.


I was an alcoholic from the age of like 16/17 and I really wish I could help but theres really nothing helpful I can say because the way I stopped was by simply deciding I wanted to stop and going to detox (I was physically addicted so it took them a week to taper me) once I was detoxed i had no desire to drink again. I did start drinking casually after like 3 years sober but I quit that a couple of years ago because I realised I was just going to end up with a problem again.


Case by case basis. I struggled with a drink or two being my gateway to eat junk food. After a few months of IF, I was able to enjoy a night cap of bourbon, but would be intentional on cadence and quantity. Everyone varies here.

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