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Can it be too hot to dry fast?

What are your experiences of fasting during a hot and fairly humid summer? I’m in the UK and it is very hot and our houses are built to retain heat, so my flat gets extremely hot (I have fans on me constantly). I really want to start dry fasting again (I did a few lasting 2-4 days at the beginning of this year), but I’m actually a little scared to do this in this heat, in case it is dangerous. Even well hydrated taking a walk in the sun is draining at the moment.

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yes it can be dangerous, if you try, have water near you and have salt to avoid hyponatremia, read up on electro deficiencies, practice nose breathing, if you are getting very dizzy and your body is telling you stop, do that.


It depends on how much you’ve built up in experience and your body tolerances. I’ve fasted in almost 100 degree Fahrenheit weather for over a week and been fine. Most people I think would struggle because the heat is what gets to you. I’d you’re concerned, consider making it a short fast or water fasting instead. No need to go into it afraid

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