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Can OMAD help with binging?

I have this problem where when it is a weekend and I am at home all day, I tend to snack a bit on things, then it slowly turns into more and more until I say forget it and then eat as much as possible. I know that intermittent fasting can actually cause binging but I was wondering if it has ever benefitted someone with their binging?

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I didn’t start with OMAD. I started with a five-hour eating window. Then I decided to give one meal a try. My problem was eating all my calories but figured it out. I’m a compulsive eater but found the urge disappear with OMAD. I barely thought about food. .


I would try TMAD instead. Many think OMAD reinforces binging behavior. Some things that may help are increasing protein and high fiber green veg and healthy fats like avocado and olives and lowering carbs. BED is strongly linked to insulin resistance, so LC or keto is often helpful. Keep the earlier meal high protein, eating sugar and starch early in the day tends to lead to more hunger and cravings. Things like eggs, meat, fish, cheese promote satiety and stable blood sugar. The book https://www.amazon.com/End-Your-Carb-Confusion-Customize/dp/1628604298 might be helpful, it encourages eating to satiety in a LC framework and is very straightforward. You might also want to read or listen to Dopamine Nation, finding other routes to get endorphins besides my mouth was a game changer for me and really enriched my life and relationships in ways that ice cream or chips never could.

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Categories: omad binging snack intermittent fasting eating window calories tea fiber carbs keto sugar starch meat fish blood sugar courage