| | Water Fasting

Can't even do one day

As the title says ive tried waterfasting and the the snake diet but i can’t even get through day one. I usually wake up at 7 go to college till 3 which i don’t eat but as soon as i get home i can’t help it. I really want to lose weight but i just can’t stay fasting ig. Someone please help me. I don’t know what to do.

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One meal a day try eat once a day as long as possible because you need to try start from somewhere try eat 1 meal a day a normal human eat around 3 times that means your eating 2 as less as usual your body will get use to eat once in a while you will fell like snack-in is fine just try and make it less as possible example 2 a week then make it 1 a week after about 3 weeks of doing this you will lose about 4-6kg and if you workout probably workout 6-8


I felt this so hard. I was just going over in my head how I can fast for a few days but it seems to trigger binge eating. But fasting is the only way my body will ever shed pounds (I’ve tried all the diets, tried moderation, tried more exercise, even tried ADF with painfully slow results.)

I’ve come to the realization that I have to prioritize mental, spiritual, and emotion well being before I’ll ever be able to get past that barrier. That may look like not hitting the gym and meditating instead, but it’s not physical, it’s a mental barrier so I’m starting there this time instead of just expecting myself to have an unrealistic amount of self control.


One meal a day sounds like a great start. Maybe when you get home from your classes make one large meal. Then nothing else until the same time the next day. Let yourself get used to that. Even if your meal is 1300 calories, that means you’ve only had that much in 24hrs. It’s a bit of a balance too. Because you can only have 1300 you’ll want to find nutrient rich foods as time goes on.

Another idea is intermittent fasting, which seems close to what you’re doing. Block out a 4 hour window to eat. Only eat within that time. There are other amounts of time you can use, as well. Let’s say you get home at 3. You can use that as it fits with your schedule. You can only eat from 3 to 7. Within that window you can snack and eat, but once 7 rolls around no more food until 3 the next day.

In any case good luck to you. Keep working hard to reach your goals!


Start off slow there’s no race . Get your body adapted and used to it first start by skipping breakfast try 16/8 Let’s say you stop eating at 6 Pm by next day 12 pm if your eat that’s 18 hours faster and assuming you got to bed at 10 wake up at 6 that’s 8 hours completed while you were asleep try it for a week or two then see how your body does move up to 20/4 hour eating window another week or two then slowly start integrating 24 hour fast once a week or twice . Slowly move up to 48/72 etc it takes just as much will power and some mental toughness but look at it as a challenge you want the change there will be some sacrifices but you got this . Listen to your body there’s been multiple fast that I broke because my body was telling me not the end of the world just another chance to improve. Also keep in mind your electrolytes if you are not eating it’s best to supplement to avoid dehydration .

Would recommend searching on YT all fasting benefits to keep you motivated. It’s hard at first but once you get small wins it will compound and make it easier for you

Rooting for you. You got this


look at coles spam and pickles diet or his 85% fat: 15% protein diet (which is basically the same thing but a can of spam has the right macro’s so you dont have to work anything out. Basically you eat a small (about 400g) low protein high fat snack if your hungry to take the edge off. If your still a bit hungry you need to wait at least 2 hours for another snack. Zero fasting. You lose weight because your at a deficit by the end of the day after 2/3/4 of these snacks


I think it’s like a muscle before I couldn’t stop eating every 2 hours. Now I can do a solid 16 like it’s nothing. Also Journaling about food everyday has helped me a lot.
I think also saying okay I’m only gonna eat 5 min after I get home. In two weeks say okay I’ll eat 8 min after I get home.. Then building on that. My goal is a 48 fast in 3 weeks.


I am kind of the same and the weight is still coming off…I do OMAD and allow myself two cappuccinos with almond or skim milk in between which really helps me. I don’t drink the snake liquid either

I tried doing full snake at first and found it didn’t work for me so I used it as a loose guideline for me and it’s working.

You have to do what works for you and your lifestyle so tweaking it for yourself isn’t ‘failing’ by any means

I could def get quicker and better results following it strictly but it is what it is.


You people are so weak. Start off slow at first and then go for 1 month of OMAD. Then do a 3-4week snake juice fast. That’s what I did. You know what happened? 70lbs in just under 3 months. If you’re struggling to lose weight it’s because you’re a weak person. Get off your ass and make something happen, otherwise you’re practically just saying my life isn’t worth the food addiction.

It’s clear that you people are wanting it easy but it’s never going to be easy when you’re losing weight. What do you honestly value more? That pizza and 2 liter of Pepsi or your appearance and health? You feel like shit already so what is the dealio with you not having it in you to fast and change? You aren’t getting better, only fatter.

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