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Can't stop thinking about something Cole says in one of his vids about optimal body weight

Fast yourself to the bone. Fast until you are abs thin. If you can’t see your abs, you are a fat pig! Most people think they need to be a certain weight, but they don’t actually know their optimal weight. Fast until you can see your abs!


If you’re fat, you’re not clean. Lose all the fat! Fat people are dirty!“ - What he means is fat people carry more toxins in their fat tissue.

Never really thought about it before, but that rings true to me. Why shouldn’t your abs be visible?

I just finished a 6 day snake juice fast, and I had all kinds of detox happen. My skin broke out in acne on random spots, I was getting the sniffles for an hour and then they would disappear, then they would come back, repeat and repeat.

I didn’t used to believe in “toxins.” I thought that was just a bullshit new age term to scam people and get them to buy books/programs. But after my fast I definitely think that your body stores toxic waste in fat cells, and when they begin to be burned away all that nasty stuff drops into your bloodstream.

I have another 50lbs minimum to lose, and I think probably 80lbs to see my abs.


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With that much loss in a fast period youre gonna have extra skin so even if you dont see any abs just keep in mind that the excess might be covering something up ok so dont overdue yourself just from appearance just focus on how you feel


Why did your fast change your opinion about toxins? 99% when people talk about toxins in your body and how we can detox it, it’s definitely nonsense pseudo-science. Cole is a great motivator but a lot of what he says makes no sense. Although obesity is correlated with a lot of diseases and problems, it doesn’t have to be. Many fat and active people are healthier than seditary normal weight people. Plus being underweight is also a big concern, although that’s generally not a problem in developed countries.

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