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Can the 16:8 transition?


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It’s neither the fasting length nor the type of diet your on that matters. It’s how much you eat that will determine your weight. You learned it the hard way. Remember it.

So the fasting lengths won’t matter. 16:8 is fine. Or switch it up if you want.

Your diet can be whatever, as long as you’re not overeating. I’m not a fan of restrictive diets. I think it’s best that your weight loss diet becomes your maintenance diet, but with more calories. It’ll make the transition easier.

You can never go back to “normal” eating. That ship has sailed. So learn new eating habits that you can use long term, and don’t go for shortcuts or easy-outs.


So, after getting to your weight goal, did you go back to eating the way that made you gain weight in the first place?

If you want to lose weight and maintain, you can’t go back to eating the way you did before. You need to transition to making healthier food choices while you lose weight so you can keep it off.

The way you lose weight, whether it’s through calorie counting, fasting or keto won’t keep you from regaining if you go back to eating the way that made you gain weight in the first place. That’s just yo-yo dieting.


I’m confused.

16:8 got you to your ideal weight, so you went back to old eating habits. Now, you want to do 16:8, get back to an ideal weight, and then transition to “better” and “healthier” diets? Didn’t the 16:8 work? Why not keep at it with portion control?

I know you’ve probably heard or read this before, but modern diets and eating patterns are not normal. You would not be going back to “normal food patterns”.

Talk to a doctor, make sure IF is healthy for you (you’ve already done it for a period, and I’m assuming you didn’t experience anything negative). Find an eating window that works for you. Control your portions. Eat the calories you need to accomplish your goals. Avoid processed food as much as is feasible.

The modern breakfast, lunch, and dinner is done for, my friend. Speaking from personal experience. I started IF a little over 10 years ago in the military. After a couple months I felt amazing and lost the weight I needed to, so I went back to what I was doing before, my body rebelled. I gained the weight back almost immediately, but the worse part was I could now tell how shitty I felt eating like that.

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Categories: weight loss calories habits lose weight keto yo-yo eating window lunch dinner shit