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Can you do rolling dry/water fasts or do you need to refeed?

I’m 69 hrs into my first intentional soft dry fast. I’ve been water fasting for years now and the longer I do it the more my body naturally wants to dry fast so I decided to just give into it and see what happens. So far it doesn’t feel any different from a water fast except I’m not getting wild cravings for foods that I’ve barely eaten or don’t even like.

For extended water fasting it’s often recommended to go into juicing for almost half the length of time as your extended water fast before refeeding with bone broths and whole foods. I have done rolling water/juicing before refeeding, can the same be done with dry fasting? For example 7 dry/7 water/4 dry/4 water/7-10 juicing/refeed? Or do you need to replenish with refeeding after a dry fast?

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The recommendation (from dr Filinov, one of the dry fast “gurus”) is to refeed for twice as long as you dry fast and eat “clean” food, once eating, chill on salt wait a few days, and so on, besides starting with water only the first few hours or longer depending on how long fast.
It´s probably very much possible to do other fasting plans but I don´t think it´s wise to do that long fast like every week, a couple of weeks rest in between or a bit shorter fasts, the first for health objectives and the second for weight control.

I don´t personally like to break a fast with juice. I get sugar cravings, or cravings from non-water-drinks at the very least, and regular water is probably the very best to sip on for the first 1-2 hours. Bone broth and soups should be awesome as follow-ups.
But it depends of course on the individual and situation. I can bloat up even more after a dry fast which I don´t want to, and get cravings. If someone who isn´t prone to sugar addiction/cravings and/or who is underweight fasts then maybe it´s a better idea.


hmmm i’m not completely sure but it depends what your goals are. if you will rehydrate with water fasting make sure you are drinking water with electrolytes. personally i will be dryfasting then refeeding because it gives me something to look forward to since i find water fasting a bit miserable. at the end of the day experiment and do as you wish but be careful not to have a huge amount of fluids on the waterfast days after the dryfast since it may upset your tummy. goodluck my friend. :)

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