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Can you gain muscle and strength while Alternate Day Fastimg(ADF)?

I’m in my second week of adf and I workout 3 times a week on my eating days, i feel like I’m loosing strength but im not sure, i do cardio but weights as well, can someone tell me is it possible to gain strength during ADF?

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Probably, but it will be harder. You can easily maintain on ADF, but adding is much more difficult.

In my opinion you are best off just trying to lose the weight you want without being overly concerned with adding strength and muscle. It sucks, but you gotta be patient with your body.

Still hit the gym for sure, but don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t seeing gains. Maintaining is very good while you are losing fat. And you are also building up the habits that will propel you forward when you are the weight you want to be.


It’s definitely possible. I’ve gotten significant strength gains on ADF, but it was slow compared to non-fasting.

I don’t know what reps or sets you’re doing, but I reccomend keeping your big lifts as 4x6-8 and your assistance work as 3x10-12.

I reccomend doing cardio during tie fasting window, and having some protein at the end of every weights session.

I know, protein will likely break your fast. But from a blood glucose standpoint, that small amount of protein will help stabilize your blood sugar and keep your muscles supplied with amino acids to build strength and muscle.


Yes, with conditions.

First, you need to be a novice to intermediate at weightlifting. If you’ve been lifting over a year and you cant add +5 every week any more, gains will be much harder to come by.

Second, you need to train fasted, go hard, and eat nasty amounts of protein right after your workouts.

Source: my experience starting as a morbidly obese 6’2 350lb novice. The routine for about a month now has been fasting Tuesday, Thrusday and Saturday OR Sunday, then M W F gym on a full body 3x10 plus cardio. Eat on gym days but, no food until after the workout. Average fed day is 200g protien ballpark. And at least 8,000 steps a day, every day, no exceptions. Also been taking protein powder with extra BCAA so that helps.

Doing that, in the past month I’ve got from benching the bar to 20 pound plates on each side, Squat from bodyweight to a +40 dumbbell squat, and all the myriad machines I use im increasing every week. Total newbie gains, but the point is yes if you’re a noob you can lay down the lean tissue ezpz if you get you lift heavy shit and eat da protein.


Lift in the Evening on your fasting days, go to bed and Then start to refuel as soon as you wake up. Then you’ll have a whole day of replenishing your muscles, you are missing out on that when you lift on your eating days.

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