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Can you go from a water fast straight into dry fasting?

Been water fasting for 2-3 days now can I jump right into a dry fast or will that be an issue?

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A 2-3 Day waterfast just primes your body for a dryfast. It’s perfectly okay. In fact, it’s a great way to get yourself in to ketosis first and make the most of a dryfast. I’ve done that before 3 days water and then 2 days dry. The issue is when in a deeper fast and you’ve been living in a deprived state that going into a dryfast could be more difficult. Like 10-20 days waterfasting and then going dryfast. And even that is subjective to the person and there stamina.


People say no, some say yes. I don’t see an issue unless it’s in the extremes. I’ll do 3 wet two dry without issue. Main issue would be water fasting without salts/electrolytes then jumping into a dry fast


Wet to dry is too much pressure on the body. Just think of it logically. Imagine you’re running a machine at high speed and then quickly cutting the power. Then imagine running your machine at low power and proceed to add more. Which do you think stresses it more?

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