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Can you occasionally break Dr. Fung's suggestions and still experience progress?

For example, sometimes my family will make ice cream (generally healthier than store-bought, but still, it’s ice cream) and I know it has added sugars etc.

It’s hard to completely stop participating in any desserts with my family, so is it OK to occasionally eat added sugars in moderate portions, like once or twice a week?


EDIT: this is kind of amazing. Normally I just need a snack to make it from lunch to dinner, but today I fasted from yesterday 5pm until noon, and then ate a giant lunch (high in protein/fats), and am only now eating dinner closer to 5:30pm and barely experienced any hunger.

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Of course! Think of Dr. Fung’s advice as a roadmap. You’re not chained to it at all.

Sure, you might take some detours every now and then that slows your progress, but so long as you consistently practice intermittent fasting and reduce carb/sugar intake, you’ll be ok!


I’m a former diabetic, ice cream is still a part of my diet, cuz sometimes you just gotta. I always have a tub in the freezer and dip into it at least once a week.

IMO the whole purpose of IF is so I can keep eating the foods I like, without the negative consequences.

Last A1C was 4.9 if anybody’s wondering…


Dr. Fung is all about moderation, not religion. Fasting is an alternative to some hard-core keto diet.

Don’t confuse Dr. Fung’s advice with what you read on internet forums that may or may not bear his name. ;-)


Definitely—but the key is to figure out where the sweet spot is for you. After a lot of experimenting, I found that I can do 6 days on/1 day off and still see good results. That 1 day off keeps me motivated. I can do anything for 6 days, knowing that I have that “free day” on the near horizon.

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Categories: fung sugar snack lunch dinner intermittent fasting keto obesity