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Can’t pass 30hrs… do i need to?

For context I’m a 20yr old female. I struggle with gut issues so that’s why I’m trying to fast. (Side note I’ve already researched fasting during the hormonal cycle so I’m aware of when a long fast is ok). Every time I try to pass 30 hrs my heart gets racy and I can’t sleep at night. I ended my last 40hr fast early bc i simply could not sleep and was worried it may do more harm than good.

Is it safe to keep fasting if my heart is racing and I’m not getting sleep??

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I struggled with the same thing for a LONG time (years) but just kept trying. Today I am on day 13 of 21. yay!

I had tried snake juice, salt throughout the day, etc. Nothing seemed to help. Now, I am thinking I still wasn’t getting enough electrolytes.

This fast, I have been diligent with the following: 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp NoSalt, and 400 mg magnesium every day. Even still I don’t have the physical energy most people claim to have.

On days 3, 4, and 5, I could barely get off the couch.

After day 5 my mental energy returned and I was at least able to be productive with work (I work from home).

Last night, for the first time this fast, I had the experience you described at around 2 AM. In addition, I couldn’t get warm. I got up and took a hot shower which warmed me up but then my heart was pounding out of my chest I felt like I was going to pass out. I drank some additional salt/NoSalt water and felt good enough to go back to sleep.

This morning I hit electrolytes again and I’m starting to get back to “normal.” 

I think part of the fasting process is learning about yourself and what your need to do to succeed. People spread their personal experience and information they’ve gathered from other sources like it’s gospel. It’s great to see what is working for other people but everyone is different. Try, learn, and grow.

Keep it up and good luck!


you’ll get there! don’t put so much pressure on yourself. focus on healthy eating until your body doesn’t want to eat anymore then try the fast again. don’t force it! let your body tell you what to do!

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