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Carnivore diet opinions?

Does your body make vitamin C etc. when on this diet?

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It has its place, especially in special circumstances such as in the context of autoimmune disorders. I know of numerous people who resort to a carnivore approach because of absolutely terrible reactions to plants and grains. Like any diet, there are various forms the diet can take which would determine its healthfulness. For example, a nose-to-tail approach rich in offal would be nutritionally superior to consuming only muscle meats. People can eat whatever/however they want as far as I care, but I don’t generally recommend a carnivore diet unless other strategies have proven ineffective to meet my clients’ goals.


definitely consult with a doctor before trying this. Meat plays a crucial role in our diets but so do fruits/veg etc. 95% of humans are already deficient in fiber and you’ll completely be lacking in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals


Doing carnivore correctly for a week or so is good for autoimmune issues. Doing it long term is problematic.

Cycling off and on it can work well.

I would recommend stuff more on the anti inflammatory/Mediterranean side of things


You can eat eyeballs. Fun fact: natives in Greenland ate/eat whale eyes to avoid vitamin c deficiency. The human body doesn’t produce it.

Edit: you can also eat whale skin but I just doubted someone be able to obtain whale skin


I wonder what the microbiome of a carnivore looks like. Be interesting to see. I know a modern western diet is pretty detrimental to the microbiome, so it may be better than that, but I doubt it with the lack of fibre and phytochemicals like flavonoids that have been linked with microbial change and cessation of some diseases like MS.

I suspect in a couple of decades we’ll know a lot more about the gut-brain axis and these sorts of questions will have some pretty solid answers.


Most people will tell you you’re out of your mind to try carnivore. One group in particular cherry-picks studies to try to convince people meat will absolutely kill you.

However, there is a small number of people who have autoimmune disorders who are apparently thriving on carnivore. I suspect carnivore doesn’t work for most people, but that doesn’t mean it never works for anyone. Mikhaila Peterson and Shawn Baker each follow carnivore and have podcasts. Peterson’s story it’s pretty interesting because she was in a very rough state before going carnivore. (Side note, her father is very controversial.)

There are tribes around the world that have diets primarily based on animal products but they may have a special gene that allows them to live like this. Some Inuit tribes live almost exclusively on meat.


I’m 50yo carnivore but eat fresh leafy vegetables maybe once per 2 weeks max and don’t see it ending. Never felt so good and my body is ripped. This is my way of eating and don’t consider this a “diet” anymore.


I’ve never tried it but my brother has. He said he felt great and had lots of energy but the obvious lack of Fibre troubled him. Sometimes would be days before he pooped. I personally think Fibre is very underrated in nutrition. If you look at diseases from a nutritional perspective, a lot of diets with high Fibre are shown to decrease the likelihood of that disease. This could be because most Fibre we take comes in the forms of fruits and vegetables so the diet itself would be healthy.

I would try to balance lean meat (deer, elk, turkey) with beef. Your saturated fat intake will be higher and if you are sedentary or aren’t as active this could pose a greater risk for heart disease, where other lean meats will have a lower saturated fat intake.

If I were to do this diet I would personally supplement with vitamin C and other essential vitamins the body cannot create. I would also have a smoothie at some point in the day with some sort of Fibre supplement or add fruits and veggies. I know this would not be 100% carnivore diet but I think it’s a small add that will help you stay healthy and poop more than once a week haha exaggerating on the last part but you get my drift. I’d also add things like hemp/flax/chia to get a better ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats and better ratio of omega-3 to omega 6.


Vit C and carbs compete for absorption. The body does not make vitamin C, but can “recycle” it if its used as an antioxidant. Since inflammation usually isnt a problem at all the needs should be drastically lowered, and could be provided via diet, from organ meats.

But the main part of the diet isn’t what it provides (although besides vit C and maybe manganese it provides a lot), its what it doesn’t provide. It doesn’t provide issues that other foods can. After a certain period you can try to reintroduce foods back, but people often find doing such isn’t worth, so they stay pretty much full carnivore.

I’m just learning to cook, and I’m a student so i can’t fully dive in it the way i wish, but I’ll be doing it sometime in the next 3 months probably. One donut and my pain levels triple. A plate of beans and my GI is a mess for 3 days. That typa stuff. I’ve had various food issues for years and really dont have much choice.


No, our bodies don’t produce vitamin c. That’s why it’s called an essential vitamin. Anything “essential” means your body is incapable of producing it so you need it from your diet. Eat some fruit and vegetables


Carnivory in humans is often dismissed with prejudice, even when there is a stark contrast between those opinions and the reality occurring in front of them.

This comment in itself will be reacted to with prejudice.

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