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Carnivore OMEOD

So I am 6’3, 230lbs and I am eating for a 4 hour window every two days. I have lost 30lbs fasting like this and feel great. I am going to start going to the gym and I’m new to muscle gain and protein and I see people saying you need about .5-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, so if I eat around 180g of protein every other day I’m still missing out on that on my fasting days, does this affect my gaining muscle or should I be eating extra to compensate? I’d love advice as I’m wanting to be 180lbs or maybe around 195 if I’m pretty strong, so basically lose weight and gain muscle while raising my metabolism.

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I’m no expert but everything I’ve ever read previously has seemed to say you can’t build muscle while in a calorie deficit/losing weight.

Hence the cut and build cycles bodybuilders go through?

Personally I’d focus on losing the weight while still lifting to hold on to your muscle mass. Then increase you’re eating to build if that’s what you want then.

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