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Changing up eating window

On weekends I keep my eating window pretty much 1pm to 9 pm (doing 16:8). During the week my lunches can range from 10am to 2:45 pm, so I’m wondering if I will still get the same benefits of fasting if I change it up every day (earliest would be 10am-6pm and latest 2pm-10pm). My goals are weight loss. I cannot eat at my desk before or after my lunch time to keep it always the same time since I take calls for my job. The only thing I could do is make smoothies ahead of time and sip them between calls if I wanted to but I prefer to just eat a meal on my lunch break.

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I’ve had no difficulties switching around my eating window. I find that’s the best part of fasting - that you can make it work around your life rather than the reverse.

I have listened to the Huberman podcast about fasting where he says that switching the windows is not optimal, however sometimes best is the enemy of good. Go for what works for your job; IME changing windows hasn’t hampered weight loss.


I do, I keep the same 18:6 Sun-Thur. Fri I don’t eat till 12, but no cut off. Saturday though, I don’t eat till I’ve done 18hrs (usually around 4pm), then again no cutoff. Sunday tends to be OMAD, or two close meals cause I again usually don’t eat till 4ish, but then need to be done by 6 to get 18hrs in to eat at noon Monday

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