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Cheat meal breaking ketosis once a week. Is it ok.

Basically I’m gonna be doing rolling 48s and 72s and eat one cheat meal every Monday. Every other refeed meal will be 5-700 calories keto. On the Monday my meal will be 2 chicken burgers with a combined total of 1200 calories and 80 grams of carbs. This meal will most likely kick me out of ketosis but since I’m doing the rolling fasts plus my other meals are keto will it really matter? Thanks

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It’s fine and may even be beneficial. If you restrict calories for an extended period your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) might(will) downregulate to more closely match incoming calories and your progress will halt. By having a mandatory scheduled cheat day you can trick this mechanism into allowing you to restrict calories most of the time without ever dropping your BMR. I usually do once a week cheat days and still make steady progress even though my scale weight goes up by around 5 lbs the day after. I don’t even fast hardcore just omads and 2mads and I can still lose fat doing this. It’s not super fast like rolling 72’s but I’ve gone from 35% body fat to 29% in 90 days with no apparent drop in BMR.


Hello, sounds like a solid plan, don’t know your maintenance but i assume its not 1200, the fasting is already powerful enough for fat loss, my recommendation is to aim for sustainability, i would get closer to Maintenance and forget about cheat meals, do refeeds ! eat at a surplus once a week for thyroid health ( aim for 240g or more of carbs that day )


Some will say yes, others will say no. Always comes down to what you want and more importantly, what works for you and is maintainable/sustainable.

Currently I’m doing rolling 48s and trying to be more strict, when doing 72s and 96s, did not care at all what I ate as Cole has even mentioned in the past.

The MAIN ISSUE here, is sugar addiction. You need to make sure you just jump right back into the fast. Sometimes 1 hour refeed turns into half a day or 2 or 3 days because the carb craving is so strong. Eating keto or carnivore will just make it easier.

Also keep in mind, for most people, high carb refeeds will make day 2 and 3 of the fasts just harder. You’ll get possible carb crashes, headaches, bad mood, bloating, etc…

BUT, #1 most important thing IS get right back into the fast. Honestly, rolling 72s, you can eat pure junk for a 1 hour refeed and still lose tons of weight….


I have done long fasting and have stuffed donuts in my face and drank sugary drinks for my cheat meals. As long as you don’t do it 2 days in a row, you’ll be fine. It’s perfectly fine to reward yourself. We’re human, we enjoy dirty foods from time to time lol And honestly 80g of carbs for a “cheat” meal is nothing. You’re doing great I’m sure!


Yes that is fine. Don’t aim to be perfect dead on. Just be consistently good, which your plan seems to be. Also I’m sure the cheat meal will help you be sane and stick to your plan. All the best champ!


It’s completely fine. You’ll still lose a bunch of weight quickly because of the fasting. Heck with that fasting routine you could make it a cheat day where you eat freely the entire day and you would still get amazing results if you stick to the fasting. Key is consistency and discipline when it comes to the fasts.

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