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Cholesterol Increased

I’ve been intermittent fasting for 3 months. 20:4 I’m a woman 49yo 5’3” currently 152 lbs lost 26 lbs in those 3 months (beginning weight 178lbs) Before that 16:8 on and off

I had blood tests done in May 2022. My cholesterol LDL was 253. I did blood tests again last week and my LDL is at 323. My doctor put me on a statin. HDL 40

I really don’t want to take another med. But my cholesterol is really concerning so I will take it.

Question: I couldn’t find any good research on IF and high LDL cholesterol levels. Should I be concerned? Should I stop IF? Is there a professional I can talk to about this? Most Dr I met are clueless about IF research.

I don’t want to stop IF because I wasn’t able to lose weight successfully before IF. I still have about 20 more lbs before my sleep apnea will be alleviated or improved. I gained 60lbs after my last sleep study. I was at 134lb after losing weight unhealthily (major depression episode) when the Dr said my sleep apnea was so minimal I could stop treatment. (Pre pandemic weight)

Health issues before IF Hypertension (currently under control 118/80) Sleep Apnea (I still stop breathing 6x an hour) Celiac (ex 2009) Chronic major depression and anxiety (GAD)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I’m the same! Except 57 yrs. with hypertension. I denied the statins. I quit drinking alcohol. Trying to exercise more. Taking fiber every morning (stir it in my coffee). Replaced spinach with lettuce and beef with chicken or fish, and only turkey bacon. Taking fish oil. I was told stress can be a huge factor with cholesterol levels. Also, did you fast before your blood work? And I read somewhere weight loss can temporarily raise your levels. But I was also told it could be generational. I’m getting re-tested next month. We’ll see what happens. I have not quit IF.


I’ve read when you are tested it is important to be at the 12 hour fasting mark when they draw blood. As we burn fat the cholesterol levels go up in our blood.

If your HDL is so low, that is what I would be concerned about. To me that says cut back on sugar and increase omega 3s. Also what are your triglycerides? Look at the HDL to triglycerides ratio


Cholesterol isn’t necessarily bad for you. It’s the ratios that matter. You also need a more extensive blood panel to determine if you have bad cholesterol. I personally denied the statins, it’s been a few years and my cholesterol is still good and I feel great.


Hey! I found this article that has some amazing tips on how to reduce high cholesterol and homeopathic remedies tips also.

Many foods are believed to significantly lower LDL cholesterol. Fiber-rich foods are said to be particularly beneficial. Fiber will lower ‘bad’ cholesterol and help the bowel function properly, reducing the risk of colon and bowel cancer. Many other foods can help the body fight back against these dangerous deposits.

Some Fiber-rich foods are oat bran, barley, and wheat bran. They can be eaten as a cereal for breakfast and sprinkled onto other foods. Pearl barley can be added to soups. Apples and pears also have considerable amounts of soluble fiber and should be enjoyed daily. 🥰

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