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Christmas splurge of eating and drinking for 5 days I hate myself right now

Today I start back on IF - I feel fat bloated and disgusting I had 11 weeks under my belt I regret it

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Don’t hate yourself. Remember this is a lifestyle and not a diet so you will get back to normal once your normal routine returns. We have to enjoy life for more than just our weight, and the food during the holidays is one way to do that. Enjoy yourself!!!!


Gained 2 pounds from Christmas Eve dinner. Have not jumped on scale after Christmas dinner since I’m still in bed fearing how much carb weight I gained. Meeting relatives today as well and hoping to still keep OMAD plan. I just compared last year Christmas pic of me to yesterday and IF works. It didn’t seem to hard except for weddings, birthdays, holidays etc. it’s been one year since I started (Nov 2021) SW171GW125 (weight achieved 5/22) CW108/110 (Oct to current) trying to get and stay at 107-108. Very happy doing IF and every time I overeat I just get back on the horse and trudge along. Let’s stay even more focused in the new year! Good luck to us all.


January for me, as I’m still at the in-laws and my everything is gonna be out of whack for a while yet. I’m still in the ‘NSV jeans’ for now but yeah, you are not alone my friend.

Progress is rarely if ever a straight line. All of us are capable of getting back on the horse, and we will!


I ate what others would consider normal for Christmas for two days. It is not the end of the world and it will not kill me. I had a blast and Christmas was a success. It is over and now back to normal (or my new normal) if you can not cut loose every now and then, what is the point? That was yesterday kick some dirt over that shit and continue on … Have a blessed day everyone…


I’m reading a book about habits and one thing in our favor is that the (totally arbitrary) “fresh start” of New Years Day is right around the corner, which can help people stick to their commitments more.

But anything can be a fresh start day, mentally: a Monday, coming back from vacation, a birthday, a new job.

There’s something kind of cute about how as humans, we can use those little made up tricks to help get back on track.


Add me to the club. I don’t hate myself for it though. I’m using it as a opportunity to remind myself how much better I felt before and it’s renewed my determination and commitment. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Look at it was an opportunity not a failure.


I guess a lot of us are right there with you. For me it wasn’t 5 days, but 2. It was also intentional, so while I don’t hate myself, I also feel like crap lol. But I have no regrets. It’s not a failure - it’s a break. A good one.

It was 5 days. Not gonna change the rest of your life. I hope you enjoyed them, that’s the most important.

“Just” get right back to it. I know that when that happens, I need to be stricter than usual for a few days, until my brain gets back on the program. I made sure I have no “comfort food” at home this week, and I’ll make sure I eat really clean for a few days. However, I also know that in terms of fasting window, I need to ease into it - no super long fast -. So today, I’m just doing 16 hours instead of my usual 20-22.

You got this. DO NOT PUNISH YOURSELF. DO NOT TRY TO GO TO THE OTHER EXTREME. Give yourself some grace. Remember that even if it’s a little hard right now, it won’t last, you’ll find your groove again soon. Just do what had become “normal” for you prior to the holiday break.


I didn’t even go nuts by any means. I’m up 8 lbs since like weds. I know I didn’t consume that amount of food. Plus I walked everyday. So I’m Omad or skipping meals today and tomorrow and it will probably balance our once I get the excess carbs out of my system. Dressing and mashed potatoes are my weakness.


Stayed with my grandparents for the long weekend. Is anyone else’s Gramma obsessive about feeding you 7x a day with fattening food?

I’ve never enjoyed the feeling of hunger as much as I did this morning as my fast set back in.


Thanks for posting this and I love how supportive you’ve been in the comments. I fell off pretty badly earlier this month and have yet to get back on. While I can see a difference the few weeks of gluttony have made, it isn’t as bad as I feared. I just want to remind everyone (and myself) that it is never as bad as we think it is and even if it is, we already know we’ve done it once so we know we can do it again! Xoxo

Don’t forget that when you go from eating ~OMAD or 18:6 or longer fasting, whatever you’ve been doing, to eating more frequently throughout the day that there is not as much “food waste” in your system so the scale looks worse than it actually is. There are a few extra pounds there that are NOT fat. I only say this because I know we can be so cruel to ourselves, “OH I have gained SEVEN POUNDS IN 2 WEEKS.” Well maybe you’ve gained a bit, but it is likely more like 3, not 7, and 3 is easy to lose. You’ve got this!



You got this. I know its hard to not feel guilty or horrible, especially if your body actually feels awful (for me, not only is it guilt but my body is sensitive to a lot of different things so when I splurge I actually physically feel like shit lmao) but at the end of the day, its a few days out of the year and in a couple of days once you’re back up into your IF routine, you’ll feel better and it will all be fine. No sweat.


Totally with you, multiple days at my parents house feasting and just being a glutton, it was wonderful, I enjoyed all the foods and the time spent with family cooking and eating the shared meals, etc… I don’t feel guilt over any of that but my body is screaming for a salad lol and now that I’m home I will definitely be having that for dinner. My SO agreed, nice big salad lol. That being said we plan on kicking into high gear come the New Year so we will probably still be a little bad this week but I am looking forward to doing a dry January and OMAD with some EFs thrown in there. Not sure on keto yet but probably for me as it does generally make it easier for the EFs if I’m already in ketosis. And going dry for January because we drank too much during the holidays and honestly I know that alcohol stops your metabolism from processing anything else while it’s in your body and doing OMAD its literally just letting the food sit and digest in my stomach but my metabolism is like coooool were gonna go take care of the poison, you idiot. And I think that will be a good way to set the tone and pace for the year, see some quicker results and encourage myself! Don’t be too hard on yourself and know that it’s not “starting again” it’s just picking back up from a pause, it’s about progress not perfection and making a lifestyle change not a diet! Best of luck!


I didn’t fall off the horse this time…😉I purposely dismounted, took off my riding gear, removed the saddle and reigns from the horse and gave him a break. This morning I saddled back up and laser focused on my 41h recovery fast. Thoroughly enjoyed the break and I think my body actually handled it extremely well. We got this Y’all!!!!


There are more days between New Years and Christmas than Christmas and New Years. What you do you in the former matters way more than the latter. Cut your self some slack and remember how you feel right now. You’ll get back on track, but beating yourself up doesn’t help one bit.


Same here. But I was in this phase of becoming lazy, and this Christmas made me realize how disgusting it feels to be bloated all the time for days in a row. I had forgotten all about it after I delivered the baby and I’m remembering why I wanted the baby out so bad lol. Heartburn and bloating sucks. Finished eggnog and wines. Back to black coffee for me.


Life is to short to be this upset over a good holiday. Enjoy the yummy food for the holidays, and remember to be grateful for your health, how far you’ve come, and of course your loved ones. It’s never to late to hop back on the horse and continue the ride :)


I feel you. I planned on taking Christmas Day off, but I caved early on Christmas Eve Eve, aka goodie baking day. That three day bender resulted in three pounds added on. So today is black coffee only.


I am doing the same, but on purpose. Not overeating but not restricting. Please don’t worry, one holiday season will not unwind all your work. You know how to do it now and also know you feel physically better making good choices, it’s much easier (for me) to be generous with myself for a couple weeks a year than to fight against the parties and celebrations that are also important parts of life. Take smaller portions, be careful with alcohol, and take some exercise each day, then get back to fasting in January when I go back to work.


Thankfully I was able to keep my splurging to salads with the fam. My window I eat is 7am to 3 pm so I don’t typically do dinner. However I didn’t want to “go to dinner” and just sit there.

I will have to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. My bf and I are still settling back in from our trip. Oh well.


Remember how this feels. The single biggest thing I’ve done (and still do) is to pay attention after I eat poorly to how I feel. Next time I want that meal, I’ll associate how I felt after with the meal.


I was on call over Christmas so splurging and stress eating had me feeling like shite.

But I got back into it today, kept my diet healthy, had a run and I’m heading off for a trail run tomorrow morning at 6am.

Gotta love the grind.


Please please please 🙏 don’t regret it. Life has its ups and downs.

I’ve been doing IF for about 3 years now. And backsliding / cheat days, for me at least, was normal part of the process. Holidays, vacations etc. within a week, sometime less, you’ll be back on track.


PS: IF is a marathon not a sprint. Get back on the programs and you’ll be fine. Good luck and happy holidays.


But I guess its something we all tend to get involved with.. a level of overdoing it breaking the normal IF regimen. It feels worse perhaps to us IF practitioners as we impose time restricted eating at other times.My advice, go with it and take tomorrow as a new day and a chance to commit to healthy practices once again. And as long as the food was appreciated, its all good.


Hey, just wanted to drop in and say, its not what happens during a stretch of five days, but what happens in the three hundred and sixty other days. A small break will not harm your progress that much in the long run, you can do this. Don’t pay for the mistakes you made, simply learn & be better in the future.

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Categories: holidays dinner omad shit habits corn tea carbs weak morning keto ketosis alcohol digest stomach courage recover liver heart bloating coffee to fast stress