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Christmas Time and Fasting

Let the struggle begin.

Christmas parties, family gatherings, etc. I own that it’s my decision to not fast during that time (and I do guilt myself).

Anyone share the struggle? I keep trying to tell myself that it’s a bad month and I’ll jump back into routine in January.

Just looking for others that share the struggle and some words of encouragement.

Thanks all.

EDIT- I see I wasn’t very clear in the post. I absolutely have every intention of trying to fast throughout the month. But we do have a very large family, we have tons of gatherings the last 2 weeks of the year, guests staying with us.

I’m concerned about will power, for sure, and that’s 100% on me. Discipline is not a strong point for me and I work at it daily (which can be difficult, as I’ve been doing this for 6 months and not seeing a whole lot of gains).

Thanks for all that responded with encouragement, it’s appreciated.

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I’m gonna agree with the other commenters here (you don’t have to give up the whole month!) and also make a suggestion: maybe just move your feeding window to accommodate the party days.

So, if you know you’re having a lunch at noon the next day, just wrap up your eating by 8pm the night before. That’s still 16 hours of fasting!

I’ve read that 16 hours is the minimum to get the benefits of a daily fasting habit, so I aim for 18:6 personally. It gives me a little bit of wiggle room on either side (in case I flub it and eat early or continue eating a little late).

Maybe you’ll just end up maintaining for the month of December, instead of continuing to lose weight. That’s fine - you’re still getting the OTHER benefits of fasting, and not undoing all your progress. :)


Don’t beat yourself up about it. I typically go with the flow and forego fasting during the holidays and then get back on the wagon in January. After all, it’s not what you eat between Christmas and New Year that counts, it’s what you eat between New Year and Christmas.


Definitely use it to your advantage. I did an 18 hour fast before and after Thanksgiving dinner, and for the first time it was actually enjoyable! Felt completely satisfied, no indigestion or stomach issues

Im also finding if you have a few drinks at a party, fasting the next day can help with that too

I’m not saying go crazy, just enjoy your food, enjoy your drink, fast the next day and feel great


When I have a dinner or meal with friends family and it does not happen when I cannot complete my intermittent fasting window.

Just pick up when you can.

No reason to torture yourself.

I try to time my dinners and party’s with fasting schedule but if I miss it no biggie.

I matters to more that I am consistent throughout the year, Than for one month.


Good question


I am fairly new to IF, but I have found during the holidays when I know I won’t be able to maintain a 16:8 or 18:6 I just set it up for 13 hour fasting. It is achievable most days and still gives you a sense of sticking with it. Celebrate the green marks on Zero, and try to beat the 13 hour fast by as much as you can. It still deters my bad behaviors of eating constantly all day long AKA 0:24.


Hit the veggie tray early and often. It will help you feel full and keep you from wanting cookies. Bring a tray with hummus if you must, but make sure that there are filling, low-cal options for you.

I went away last weekend and totally went off-plan. This week I am adding lots of veggies to my diet and upping the grapefruit to kill my appetite. I may avoid the scale for a week to avoid the ‘failure spiral’.

Good luck to you.

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