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Close to goal, but losing steam. Advice for regaining resolve with only a few lbs left to lose?

Hi all, I’m 27M, 5’11, and have gone from about 230 lbs at my highest around 2 years ago, to about 163-165 now. Probably 3/4 of the loss was within the last 8 months or so using 16:8 with OMAD sprinkled in. My original goal weight was 160, but I still have a little more flab than I’d like, so I adjusted the goal to 155.

But now that I’m within a few pounds of where I want to be, I find myself slipping back into old late-night snacking habits.

I’m keeping up with my exercise routine, but I’m terrified of moving backwards or messing up all the great momentum I had going. It’s like my subconscious feels like it’s done with the journey even though I know I still have a little ways to go, and I know that maintenance is its own beast to conquer once I hit the goal weight. I can’t just go back to old habits once the scale shows the number I want.

Anyone else go through something similar where your resolve slips the closer you get to your goal? Anything that helped you dig back in and bring back the fire from the beginning of your journey? I don’t want to get this close and then not reach the goal I’ve set for myself.

Thanks all!

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When that happens to me I go on a prolonged water fast, 2-5 days. Aside from the tremendous benefits of a long fast, I find it brings me back into the groove of my IF routine by way of bolstering my control over cravings.


I think we long to return to old ways of eating when we get close to our goal. I know I did. But when we do this and weight goes up again we gotta go back to the IF. For me I’ve come to realize some level of IF will be a life long activity. A new way of living. (But I’m old and given how much better I feel its worth it to me.)

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