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Coffee..I know I know

Ok…I am new to IF. But I am not able to take coffee black. This is what I put in my large coffee in the morning. 1 tablespoon MCT Oil, 1 Tablespoon butter and a pinch of cinnamon. I suspect this breaks the ‘50 calorie’ rule. I am doing 17 to 18 hours of IF-ing. Please advise if I should stop this and only drink it black….or not

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Can you drink your MCT coffee when you break your fast?Sometimes if I want a iced coffee with almond milk, I just wait and suffer until noon but it’s sooo worth it. I drink lots of water for 4 hours and then I make my favorite coffee drink later. There is some science that says not drinking coffee the very first second upon waking up can be good for you anyway. That being said, depending on your caffeine sensitivity drinking it at noon can keep you up at night but that doesn’t happen to me.

Or you can move your window to an 8 am - 4 pm eating period to accommodate your coffee needs.

At the same time, a lot of people think it’s best to kick the coffee with cream, sugar, butter, MCT, etc etc habit all together because it’s extra calories and what not. In fact, I never drank black coffee until I visited Europe because for the most part they don’t have all these fancy, over sweetened coffee drinks…and since their coffee tasted better the transition wasn’t bad. Shortly after I tried creamer again and it tastes so gross to me now.

But I personally love happiness in the form of cold brew, cinnamon, sweetener, and almond milk so I just wait until I break my fast.

I can’t drink hot coffee black on an empty stomach because its like poison to my intestines, I pee 500x a day, and have to go the toilet too often.


I still drink coffee with a little bit of milk while I am technically fasting. It breaks the fast but personally, I figured if I still reach my goals, it’s fine. There is no need to be that strict about it when it’s still working. I reached my goal over a year ago, lost a bit more and have been fairly stable since summer. The method just helped me with eating less. In the end, it’s the results that count and not what was in my coffee or not.


How are you brewing your coffee? What kind of coffee are you using? Many factors can change the taste of coffee making some virtually unpalatable unless cream/sugar/Splenda are added while others taste quite good served black.


Go with a light roast. Less bitter and more flavor imo. I’m on black coffee all day. Light roast all day for me. It could become an expensive habit but find a good quality coffee. Like others have said you’ll eventually hate anything being added to your precious black light roast


2 Tbsp of oil is about 200 calories so yes it’s definitely breaking the fast. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have good results while doing this. Don’t try to be perfect. Try something and if it works keep going. If it doesn’t try changing it up. Don’t over think it.


Unfortunately, the answer is - drink it black.

By consuming calories (MCT oil, butter), you’re breaking the fast.

When I first started a few years ago, I was like yourself as well. Always had to have a dash of milk and a bit of sugar to take the coffee edge off. But like I’m sure most people have said, you will get used to it.

But you can start with just half a teaspoon of coffee powder and work your way up.

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Categories: coffee morning oil sugar habit calories stomach tea