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Complex V simple Carbs

So i’ve kinda come to the conclusions it’s near impossible to cut out all carbs (ik there is fruit and stuff instead of bread and stuff like that) but can someone explain complex v simple carbs to me, and the benefits of both

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I wouldn’t think of them as separate things. Look up glycemic index, it’s more of a spectrum.

Simpler carbs turn to glucose quickly in the body and enter your blood stream the quickest, raising your blood sugar the most. The major downside to this is that it just isn’t satiating for the calories, and constantly high blood sugar without exercise can lead to insulin resistance.

Sugar and simple carbs are not inherently unhealthy like people often think, but since it is not filling, very tasty and addicting, and usually doesn’t have other micronutrients with the food, it is very easy to overconsume calories with it.

Sugar calories don’t make you any more fat or unhealthy than any other calories, but we often overeat it so it can often be a large factor in struggling with weight management.

Basically it’s totally fine to have any carbs, but with simple carbs it just takes some more self control because it will not help much with hunger. Complex carbs with lots of fiber are usually more nutritious and harder to overconsume calories with.


Not starting a holy war , but it all ends up as a glucose.Complex : some “beneficial ingredients” like vitamins (not enough) , fiber etc, AND it keeps you satiated longer.Simple aka fast carbs : insulin spike , hunger short time after, quick energy kick(not for everyone), shitty macros, BUT if you need to consume a lot of carbs (endurance athlete or just skinny dude trying to gain weight) - that’s the best way


The benefit of simple carbs is if you’re like a runner, like they literally sell glucose things for people who do marathons and whatnot. For most people there aren’t really any benefits but it won’t harm you in moderation. Complex carbs are polysaccharides so that means it takes longer for them to break down into glucose. That’s supposed to keep you fuller longer.

Some people really do need to limit carbs (diabetics) and really you can still eat a lot of them and be doing less than the Standard American Diet.


It can come down to they are processed which leads to the way it is absorbed which changes it from simple to complex. I.e white bread > brown/multi grain.

Fibre plays a role too.

Low GI foods also are complex carbs. They don’t spike your blood sugar as easily and keep you fuller for longer.

Eggs on whole wheat toast will keep you full for longer than whole wheat cereal and milk (the bit of protein from the egg helps) . Whole wheat cereal will keep keep you full longer than Rice Bubbles.

Source: 27yrs as a T1D… carbs drilled into my brain

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