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Conflicting claims about soy milk

Hello everyone,

I really like using soy milk but now I’ve become scared to use it because there are a lot of conflicting views on it. There are articles and videos saying that it’s not bad for you, while other sources say it’s cancerous and will harm your lymph nodes? Not sure what to believe

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Don’t go to Reddit for nutrition advice. People here have no idea what they’re talking about and get their information from social media influencers.

Search here or on pubmed. You can narrow down what you’re interested by searching specific outcomes (cancer, CVD, etc)


I’ve read that the only people who can potentially be affected by it are people who have preexisting thyroid problems and consume soy, or those who are actually allergic to it. Other than that, it’s fine. I always have organic soy and almond milk. Unsweetened.


im pretty sure its fine. soy is a very very common food. its used extensively throughout asia for thousands of years and its the base of a lot of foods. and a lot of those foods are very tasty. im sure theres a lot of extreme people who have eaten tons of tofu, or tempeh, or whatever all over asia. but we havent heard of anyone really get sick from doing that.

i have heard that eating too many isoflavones can be bad for you. that would equate to 19,000 kcal worth of tofu in one day. which would be pretty difficult. i wouldnt go crazy with soy milk though. 1l max a day if you wanna be safe.

also note sweetened soy milk has 40g of sugar per liter.


If you’re sure you don’t have a sensitivity to it, consume it in moderation as part of a well-balanced diet, like most things, and you should be fine. You might want to opt for versions that are lower in added sugar if that’s a concern for you.


Love it but it can be high histamine. If you don’t have issues with histamine it is probably fine and even possibly good for you. Funny thing is some research points to soy being bad for you in the opposite way. It could weakly bind to the estrogen receptor and block actual estrogen. In theory over time this could cause issues. Don’t think any of it is proven though. If I didn’t have horrible histamine issues I would eat it with cereal often. Coconut milk is a great alternative


Just make sure it’s organic, which here in the US also means non-gmo. You don’t want to be constantly consuming pesticides.

Otherwise it’s really fine and healthy. Great source of plant fat and protein. But like all foods, just don’t overdo it.


basically they contain plant estrogens which some people claim have no effect, and others do think it can have an effect.

never heard about it being carcinogenic/hurting your lymph nodes,

my 2 cents - i would not recommend any man consume soy products as a staple of their diet, but i dont think occasionally eating tofu or something will do anything.

here’s one study suggesting it impacts your hormones: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327914nc3601_3


Okay to simplify this down the current argument really is the lack of nutrition in plant based milks compared to dairy milk and people have gone to extremes to defend either side. Personally I am a dairy guy but whatever, the reality is too much of anything is bad for you, too much of almost anything can cause cancer. Using soy milk instead of cow milk for your morning coffee or a bowl of cereal is not going to harm you. Now for example lets say someone went way down the vegan rabbit hole and is all the sudden having soy milk, soy cheese, soy ice cream, then their plant based proteins and vegan substitutes are all soy based…yea they might get cancer. But to put this all to rest, your not going to get sick if you like soy milk just be a little mindful how much soy your consuming overall.

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