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Constantly thinking about food but not hungry

I’m on day 8 of OMAD. It hasn’t been too bad except for one thing: the persistent thought of food. I won’t even be hungry and I’ll think about food. I wake up and think about food, I go about my day thinking about food, and the last hour before OMAD is just FOOD FOOD FOOD. I upped my calories per meal, my protein, and my fat intake but nope, didn’t do a thing regarding the frequency of thoughts.

Is this normal? How long before the thoughts settle down? Are the thoughts just revealing to me that I have an unhealthy relationship to food? I used to constantly snack to help with boredom and when I felt down.

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You get used to it. I’ve been doing omad for three years now and it is absolutely normal to me at this point. I never get hungry until around 7pm in the evening. Eating multiple times a day just feels wrong now and saps my energy.


It’s normal. We are animals after all. I’ve started thinking about food in terms of “what I want when it’s time to eat”, or what I’m gonna have on the weekend. Its usually a passing craving and I forget about it when it’s time to eat


I’m also doing OMAD and am thinking about food / fasting a lot … but I also always thought about food before hahah. I think my brain is just adjusting to the fact that before when I thought about food I would eat. Now when I think about food… I am just waiting until my eating window is open. I think the food obsession will gradually subside. I love OMAD for it’s simplicity and think it’ll help to quiet the mind eventually, fingers crossed lol


Thank you for asking this question. I have started IF a week ago and a diet maybe 4 weeks ago. This past week all I think about it food. It worries me. Exactly as you said “I am not even hungry” it really put a lot of stress on me as I dont want to end up with some ED….I hope it will go away….fingers crossed.


Yes, I’m glad you asked this question also. I’m doing IF 18/6 and am doing well on it. I’ve lost 21 lbs in 6 weeks. I may actually be eating less calories per day than I should be. But I, too, think about food constantly. All day long, when I’m not hungry. But the odd thing is that when I’m really hungry, and I mean stomach roaring hungry, that’s when I’m more resolved to keep doing better and better on IF and OMAD. Its when I am not hungry that I’m tempted the most. Is that jacked up or what?!

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Categories: omad calories snack evening energy eating window stress stomach