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Consuming 1200 calories a day in hopes of weight loss, Is this bad?


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Where are you getting those numbers? I plugged your measurements in a BMR calculator and it gave 1,659 for a female and 1,825 for a male. The TDEE for sedentary individuals was calculated at 1,991 for female and 2,191 for male. Your TDEE calculation seems really low.


It’s not necessarily bad but, it isn’t enough. You’ll find out over time. You’ll begin to mentally and physically lag. You’ll lose weight but, at a cost. It’s better to do a less extreme reduction in calories over a longer period of time. The immediate goal is weight loss but, the ultimate goal is a healthy sustainable way to eat for the rest of your life. Not 2 months then right back to the snacks. Exercise 4-5 days a week for an hour, try and get 10k steps in a day, eat clean whole foods ie: unprocessed meat, fruit, veggies, good dairy, and honey is great for a sweetener instead of processed sugars. I would also recommend keeping track of your calories by hand. Sometimes and quite often the tracking apps are wrong on calories because the information is input by users. Apps that track calories burned are very inaccurate as well. Weigh yourself every morning before you eat and after you use the bathroom. Take the average for the week and see if its trending up or down. Adjust your calories accordingly. You do a week average because our weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs a day due to many factors unrelated to fat. Best of luck.

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