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Creative protein sources

Looking for creative-healthy-balanced ways to get enough protein because I can’t have chicken, eggs, dairy, chickpeas.

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The funny thing is: protein is in all foods. There are fruitarians (who eat mostly fruit - though a variety of fruit) who run marathons.

But the basic vegan source of protein is in combining (over the week) grains with beans. So that could be chickpeas as you suggest, but other beans, lentils and peas work just as well. For variety, add nuts and seeds.

Whole grain sources could be oat, whole-wheat (in whole wheat bread for instance), rye (probably most easily accessible as bread as ell) or brown rice.


A good quick session with the bros…

Chicken is usually a good one for people, strange that you can’t have it.

But beef is perfectly fine, fish is obvious, pork (assuming the quality) is great. Game meat is the superior of the bunch from a nutrient, leaness and quality point. Especially rabbit which is fairly lean and cheap depending where you live.

Cottage cheese and dairy as a whole.

Most plant sources are fairly low. As in low protein count and low bioavailablity and low amino acid profile. Unless you go into the highly processed side of things. The best you’re getting is quinoa, red lentils, and a few others that are similar grouped.

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