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Someone talk to me about the crazy things that have happened to them through dry fasting 😄

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I broke my knee when I was 17. Since then I had a large piece of bone that wouldn’t go. It was pretty gross and disturbing to live with. You literally could touch my knee and feel this weird moving part. It also was pretty painful. I wasn’t really able to kneel or just put any pressure on this specific part of my body. I was told that I would need surgery to get rid of it.

I started dry fasting and after a few fasts, a random day I noticed it was just gone. I was a bit confused at first. But my body literally got rid of it fairly quickly when I started dry fasting. I remember feeling intense pain specifically in this part during my fasts but I never actually wondered what was going on. Obviously my body decided to clean that piece of bone when I finally gave him the chance to by not eating and drinking.


I had this horrible molar/jaw pain for months where I couldn’t fully open my mouth to eat. Because I had no dental insurance I didn’t do anything about it. 2 days of dry fasting completely got rid of it. Also really vivid sometimes traumatizing nightmares but I was told that was the purging of emotional trauma.


I had surgery for septum deviation. Also, the something on my nose was swollen.

It was like this for two years and I couldn’t breathe. I had surgery but it did not fully recover. It was as if my nose had been destroyed. I fasted for a few days, and noticed that my nose had healed. not fully recovered because I am undisciplined and broke my fast. I also started fasting after eating carbohydrates. so autophagy was probably just getting started.

So if I had a perfect fast, my nose would have healed completely in 1 day. I’m starting again tomorrow.

it also healed my brain damage. The limbic system damage I have had for 10 years has healed. the perception of reality, the ability to enjoy, has returned.

I’ve done a lot of research on fasting, and I think it can improve everything. broken teeth, even extracted teeth. blindness, deafness, perhaps severed fingers.


maybe even stopping aging. The cause of aging is the accumulated proteins in the body.

think of it like this. the human body is able to form new cells in perfect youth.

but it cannot replace it with its own cells. nonsense.

It’s not because I’m afraid of death or getting old. My grandfather died at the age of 90 and died for a completely ridiculous reason. He could very easily live to be 100 years old. and his life was very difficult and stressful. So even if I don’t fast, I can live more than 100 years.

There is a puzzle and I am trying to complete it.

Aging is a degenerative disease and fasting can fix it. but not fasting alone. as if something is missing. I need something to strengthen the fast.

I might look like a schizo from there. But most of what I thought turned out to be true. This will be true too.

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Categories: dry fasting pain recover carbohydrate stress