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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Got home from a snowboarding trip with some old friends. It kicked my ass. One of my buddies had recently lost 60 lbs using IF. He was PREACHIN’. So when I got home last Monday, I started digging in.

Today makes day 8. I’ve basically been going with a 16:8… although my metabolism has sucked for a while, so I don’t really get all that “hungry”, ever. Most days so far, I’ve gone around 18-19 hours before eating again.

I’ve been closing my feeding window at 7PM each night… and in that window I’ve been having 2 modest meals. Not super-duper “clean”… but I’ve avoided sugar, booze, and excess carbs. I feel good so far, and aside from boredom in the evenings, it’s been a nice stretch.

When I got home from the trip last week, I weighed in at 311 lbs. (I’m 6’0” tall, 48yo M)
As of this morning (Day 8), I’m 298.8 lbs. So -12.2 Lbs so far.

I’m aware that this is basically a “honeymoon phase”… the weight loss is already slowing down. Not to mention that on Saturday, my kids wanted a meal out and I went with a burger and fries. Not gonna hate myself for it. It was delicious.

I called this account “CenturyToLose” because I’m trying to ditch 100 Lbs in this process. Only 87.8 to go!


Started 16:8 last Thursday I’ve managed to lose almost 5 ibs already. I keep to under 1400 calories a day. Cut all pop and sugary foods out. I’m 28 F 5’7 SW: 174.8 CW 169.6 GW 140. Really trying to lose all this baby weight I gained from having two kids. Trying to be conscious about what I eat and doing cardio resistance exercises 3 times a week. I also work in a field where I’m on my feet all day (veterinarian field).


Nearly 4 years of IF 18:6. Have been pretty disciplined with it

Had three questions:

  1. Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew (black) is it okay drink outside feeding window? Says 10 cals and 2g carbs
  2. What about Marijuana gummies? (Wyld brand, I eat half a gummy)
  3. I eat one meal (usually around 12pm) + some kind of dessert. Is it better to eat the dessert closer to my meal? Or would it be better to eat it closer to 6pm (my closing window)? I can do either or, but not sure which is better from a pure fasting POV


I’ve been doing fasting for a month now. Doing a 20:4 an i feel so much healthier. I weighed myself today an I lost 18 pounds in a month. My fasting consists of strictly water to edge the hunger I get at night. During my 4 hour window I eat whatever but I keep it low in carbs an calories. I fast 6 days a week an have one cheat day an ear whatever I want but don’t go overboard. My goal is to hit 175 but the summer I’m currently 199 now.


Today is my first day of IF 16:8. My CW: 270 GW: 180. I’m going to give this a try because I don’t see any movement for me in CICO. I’m newly diagnosed as a diabetic and will be put on metformin tomorrow. I just need this to work. I work as a nurse 3/12 hr shift a week which will help me. I just want my life back. Good luck to you all.


I’ve only been doing 16/8 for about 6 days and so far so good. The only issue I’m having is that I really struggle to fall asleep. It’s 7am and I’ve yet to manage it, my alarm is going to go off soon. I’ve been in bed for hours and hours and I’m really tired but just can’t actually fall asleep. It’s been a problem since about day 2, I’m not at all hungry or any such but I’m not sure how long I can keep it up this way. I end up having to lose hours during the day napping or just being really sluggish.

I do take magnesium already and have tried all the camomile, have tried working out or long walks during the day to tire myself out but they’re doing nothing 😩. I don’t even drink more than my one usual cup of coffee in the morning.

If anyone has any solutions please do tell! I don’t like taking pills btw so knocking myself out isn’t an option…


Just started IF 16:8 Yesterday. M/35 240 LB. GW: 210 As a person you would not look at me and think I am obese. I am admittedly a litte chunky but I am very active, Gym at least 3x a week, HIIT style work outs for at least an hour, sometimes 2. I am signed up for 9 OCRs and/or races this year, 2 in the next 2 weekends, and looking for more. In real, true, fat I probably have about 30 extra lbs on me. But my food intake has increased in the last two months and I noticed for the last 3 weeks that it reall y had its grip on me. I was wondering into the kitchen and snacking on anything I could find a few times a day. My wife and I dont really keep much for snacks in the house, blue corn chips, organic peanut butter, Cottage Cheese, and my personal vice - Cheeze-Its.
My hope is that this will help me to disipline myself a but more with the food intake. I have done this before, in my mid-20s and it worked well for a while but eventually I fell off it. I am hoping to really stay with it this go round, with an exception of vacations. My wife and I are going to Vegas in a few weeks and I am mostly going to switch to CICO while we are there so that when she wants breakfast I can still join in and relax with her.

I will admit yesterday was hard, I kept wanting my breakfast sandwich that I have been making for myself every morning for almost a year now (2 Eggs, 3 pieces of chicken sausage, and 2 pieces of Ezekiel Toast w/Hot Sauce) but I just told myself if I really wante dit I could have it during my eating window (2-10). There was also this wierd feeling when I woke up of, “OK, what do I do now?”. Making breakfast is such an engrained pattern. Just drinking a coffee seemed odd to me. When 2PM came around, I had a baked chicken breast with veggies and for a snack I had a small thing of cottage cheese with a pear. For dinner, we made a butternut squash chili, and some corn chips. I did admittedly also have 3 light beers last night. I tracked everything and my total caloric intake was about 1700 Calories all in and I went to bed satisfied.

This moring was easier. I am starting to break the cycle. I woke up, took a shower, and stumbled upstairs to work ( I work from home ). Yesterday I was counting the clock until I could eat, today I am just accepting that I wont be eating for a while and enjoying my coffee while I focus on work.


16/8 on day 16Hoping for reduced inflammation and better energy.Notes: So far its awful, fasting is fairly easy but mood and energy is miserable many of the days. Better yet after feeding I immediately feel even less energy and nearly fall asleep. Better yet it caused or was coincidentally right alongside a nice arthritis flare that hasn’t happened in two years. Grrrrr….just grumpy. Sorry. Fast ends in 44 minutes!!! Need to adjust my food choices or something I guess.


Started 20:4 on 1.17 then upgraded to 23:1 (OMAD) on 1.24

Started at: 250lbsCW 237lbsGW 150lbs

If my math is correct I am currently losing about 0.5lbs a day. I do a lot of walking at work. And google fit says I burn about 3000 calories a day with all the walking. So with OMAD I am probably only consuming maybe 1/3 of the calories I use.

Honestly my body is doing most of the regulation. I can’t even eat more than one meal as I get too full.


60 years old natural born woman.. I identify as a 100% feminine woman. Had a torn meniscus last 3 years impossible to exercise. Gained a great deal of weight. Also my eldest son died and I got very depressed and I was drinking a lot of wine and eating a ton of carbs. I got up to 220 pounds. About one week ago I discovered Dr. Berg on YouTube, learned about intermittent fasting OMAD 21: 3 seven full days now. Keto for the meal . Started off at 220. Aiming for 140. Super glad to find this Reddit community, quick question, can I drink herb tea during the fasting window. I enjoy Lemon Zinger tea , green tea and black tea and a black coffee make me nauseous without cream in them.. Is it okay to drink this herb tea during the fasting window?

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