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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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I’m officially halfway to my goal today after 6 weeks :)

SW 134lb, CW 122lb, GW 110lb

I didn’t get a full 18 hours in yesterday though, because I was at a conference and had to go to lunch with some people. I still did 16h, but it is the first day I haven’t met the target I set for myself which sucks as i’m quite competitive with myself haha. Still, back on it today.


I’m on a 16:8 with coffee, tea and water only. I started fasting at 3pm yesterday and end at 7 am today.

Working on losing weight and today I was down 6 pounds from my starting point about 12 days ago. I have 20 more to go. Really motivated now that I’ve seen the results.


In two days im creeping up to my first month back on IF. I did IF over a year ago and lost 60 pounds. Got off of IF because I was power lifting and my trainer said I was running my progress. Eventually hurt myself so I haven’t been power lifting and haven’t been doing IF either. Just living in a delusional world that my eating habits weren’t that bad.

I went to the doctor a little over a month ago and saw 167 on the scale and then thats when it hit me that I had lost my progress I worked so hard for. I wasn’t as bad as I was prior to my first IF journey of 200 pounds but it was enough to steer me back into this direction.

I had lost 60 pounds from 16:8 so I am doing that again! I have already lost 11 pounds. I am sure most of that is bloat but still exciting.

Cheering on everyone in their journey for weight loss, mental clarity and overall good health. ❤️


Checking in for 2MAD today

So i finally decided to weigh myself today after my recent “fall off the wagon” for a few weeks.

71.0kg so the damage isn’t as bad as I expected…

Full day of fasting today, nightshift tonight so I won’t eat until 11.30pm and then 4am for a total of 2000cal

Gym at 4pm for an intense session

Let’s goooooo!


37F | 5’1” | SW 170 lbs | CW 161.4 lbs | GW 125 lbs

Officially in my longest fast so far! Last meal was lunch on Monday, so I’m currently at 46+ hours. My husband is traveling for work, so I’m hoping I can keep that up through Friday evening or Saturday morning. Nothing but water (still and sparkling), black coffee, and unsweetened green and herbal teas. (and my daily supplements, but those are too low of calories to count for much)

My average weight for the month is 161.4 lbs, but today I weighed in at 157.2 lbs (the lowest I’ve seen since February or so this year–I ballooned up over the summer…). Happy to see that my average is still trending in the right direction! ;)


8 weeks in, 7 lbs down (179 > 172) so heading the right way. Things have slowed over the last 2 weeks though…I’m training well and on top of my nutrition, but whats the next step to keep losing the weight? I’m already on 1300/1400 cals (39M - 5’5) so surely can’t eat less…and I train about an hour (at least) a night plus some gym in the mornings…


Halfway through my 8th week. About 11 pounds down, seen a number as low as 13. First day off prednisone in two weeks - hope to drop some of the puffiness from that in the next couple of days. Fasting was really hard because of the steroids, but I didn’t gain, even though I haven’t been able to work out. Been doing mostly 20:4. I still have a pretty bad cough, and have to use cough drops throughout the day, so I’m not able to “clean” fast. Going to get a B12 shot later this morning, so I can hopefully get some energy back.


I just started on Monday with 16:8… Tuesday I was ravenous, but today I wasn’t hungry at all! Had to force myself to eat… I worked out before eating Monday-Wednesday and didn’t feel a change (thought I’d be sluggish, nope) and have DRASTICALLY increased the amount of water I drink…


Hey all, I’ve been doing OMAD or 21-22 hours a day fast for 3 weeks now. Im also super active. This week ive been feeling super weak and low energy. Im drinking electrolytes but its too the point where I don’t even want to workout and my mind is only on food. Am i not eating enough? Whats going on?

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