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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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IF, 18/6, Day 2…period.SW: Unknown (my scale is broken at the moment, but last time at the doc I was in excess of 350 lbs and things haven’t changed much).CW: Also unknown (I’m working on replacing that scale).GW: 210, my high school graduation weight.Today is, literally, the second day of IF 18/6. Started at 8:30 p.m. yesterday and broke today at 2:30. Repeat. I’m also starting to count calories for the first time in years. The last two days, I’ve been limiting myself to 1800-2000. I might reduce that if I start to lose the weight.
Ultimately, my goal is to lose the weight for a healthier way to live. It hadn’t much crossed my mind until a few weeks back when a guy I went to high school with had a heart attack and died. We were the same age (35). I have a family and it tore me up to think of the hole I’d leave in their lives if that happened to me, so I decided to do something about it. I’m also hoping that with the discipline this may bring, that I’ll keep it up as I get closer to my goal weight.

Today before 2:30 wasn’t much of an issue but I see tomorrow as a rather large hurdle. I work from home 4 out of 5 days a week with the 5th day going into the office. Unfortunately, the office day is tomorrow and it’s a two-hour drive, one way. I leave at about 6 a.m. and normally grab a gatorade, an energy drink, and sunflower seeds as a pick-me-up and to keep me going on the road. It’s almost ritualistic at this point.
I guess I’m just writing this to winge a bit and express a concern that I might be severely tempted while fueling up to go inside and buy those things. I don’t really drink coffee as I don’t enjoy the taste.

If anybody has any suggestions/words of encouragement, I’d appreciate it. I don’t really expect anybody to say much in the next few hours, but venting to the Reddit ether helped. Thanks.


Day2 of Week18, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 89kg/196lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Today 89,5kg up from yesterday’s 88,9kg pretty much as predicted.

Grapes were good, but given that besides water, it is 93% carbs, the water weight jump was something to be expected.

When I got home I finally got the chance to make quesadillas and it was superbly good! So thanks again u/IcyLanguage for the idea!

I used 500g of ground meat, made 2 of them using the mighty tortillas, condesned tomato sauce (aka tomato puree), fresh garlic, onions, salt, and lactose free cheese.

I admit I have added ground carrots to the tomato sauce and some soy sauce for additional flavoring of the meat, but the carrot addition increased volume so much that I ended up having enough to still make 2 of them today when I get home.

Will try a new flavoring of the greek yoghurt today, with soaked raisin, coconut shavings, banana and a dash of rum aroma.

Pollen concentration is relatively low still but irritation is ramping up again.

Lean into them plans folks, now is the time when you can make progress when the energy of the new week is still fresh.;)


Totally had my first couple bad days after a solid good three week start with 18:6. Was experimenting with changing the times of my feeding windows, and doing fewer fasting days, making me feel all kinds of wobbly. Read some things on women over 40 shouldn’t do IF daily, and should focus on duration (longer fasts) rather than daily (frequency). Anyone in a similar spot to me have any insight? Consistent 18:6 with good meals and enough calories during the window had me feeling great, then I let other info mess with me.


34F, 5ft 3 | SW: 205lbs | CW: 201.6lbs | GW: 160lbs16:8/18:6

Day 6!

I know its not very much lost but I am giddy at seeing the scale this morning!! 201.6!! My pre-pregnancy weight with my youngest (13m old) was 202! In SIX days I’ve surpassed that mini goal mind blown! I feel like I have been struggling for the past year to try to get down to that and IF is actually helping me get there in like no time! It has taken me a year to go from 216 to 205 without IF. And these past 6 days I’ve felt so motivated, full of energy and like there is less noise in my brain.

I think about and prepare food all day with a little one at home - even more so when his big brother is home as well and I thought that would make it really hard to stick to my fasting window. I’m actually having an easier time focusing and deciding what to make for little one for his 3,456 meals a day (exaggeration!) And besides having to remember to not lick my fingers its so much easier than i anticipated :D

Anyway, just wanted to share, I’m so darn giddy over this small victory


Hi friends!

29yo | female | sedentary HW: 213 | SW: 196 | CW: 193 | GW: 155

• OMAD • 3rd OMAD fast in a row • little shorter today at 22 hours • I’m doing OMAD for many reasons:

• I feel incredible. For me, OMAD seems to be perfect. My energy is so noticeably improved. I ACTUALLY feel satiated after my meal. I don’t feel like I’m starving throughout the day; in fact I barely feel hungry. I drinking more water than ever! I’m living iced unsweetened green + mint tea. I’m happy and I’m finally seeing scale movement.

This is my first daily check-in because this has finally clicked for me and I’m insanely thrilled to have found my new lifestyle!


Day 21, IF 18:6

SW: 58.5 kg, CW: 57.4 kg, GW: 48.5 kg

Last day of vacation! I thought I needed to take a day off but I eventually succeeded to fast during the whole time without much sacrifice. Did 17:7s and 18:6s.

However, this day was also the most difficult.

During the first 3 weeks of fasting, I always had breakfast and lunch between 9-16 and it was easy for me to work up to even 19:5 this way.

Last evening of vacation we had the second meal around 18, so I decided to skip breakfast today and have lunch and dinner instead. At least I can have a more intense workout between the two! Cardio is much more difficult to incorporate with my usual fasting schedule.

However, despite having a big dinner the day before, today I was really struggling. I felt powerless, dizzy after 16 hours. I still managed to get through it and I feel proud of myself! Just a note for myself that it’s best to stick to the routine on the long term, if possible.

edit: grammar


Week 10, Day 2
Mon/Wed/Fri Fasting, OMAD Keto.

SW: 213
Last weigh-in: 193.2
Next weigh-in: Saturday Morning
Goal: To stay under 200 into Sept and then hit for 185!

This morning I traded my C4 for black coffee because I’m concerned about sucralose in the drinks. I was still seeing loss with it but also hunger. Play it safe this week.

I can’t even think of what to eat today and I even completed my Monday fast no problems. I’m just very stressed this week.

Looking to say goodbye to this job that I just started 4 months ago because I just can’t do it. Aside from moral reasons it’s just too much to be a beck and call bitch. Manager was a fancy word for do all these literally and morally dirty things and then be left out of everything.

Got an interview tomorrow, also my birthday! I’m conflicted on fasting on my birthday, maybe I can just push through to tomorrow and enjoy myself. I’m feeling so anxious I’m not sure I’ll even be hungry today.

Feeling strong this week even if I’m rattled. I’m gonna get through this. One day at a time!

Happy Tuesday!


Day 76

2MAD and OMAD with occasional longer fasts

42F/5’8”, SW: 195 lbs (88.5 kg), CW: 168.8 lbs (76.6 kg), GW: 145 lbs (65.8 kg)

Still sick, but hanging in there. Yesterday I went to my primary care doctor to get tested for Covid-19, flu and strep. All 3 came back negative, so the diagnosis is that it’s just one of the many mystery viruses circulating right now. I have a secondary infection in my left eye, and she prescribed antibiotic eye drops for that; my eye is much better today.

Unfortunately the cough is pretty bad right now, and keeping me up at night. Last night was miserable. I am hoping that tonight I’ll be exhausted enough to sleep better.

I did manage to go for a walk today, thinking the mild exercise and outside air might do me good.

School is going okay, though I’m not getting as much done as I would like to be doing. Trying to be patient and remind myself I will feel better soon.

I’m not caught up here, but I hope to do that this afternoon and evening.

Finally made it to Day 1 of my new cycle, so I might play around with fasting this inflammation into submission.


IF 16/8. only water on fast. Been doing this for about.. 22 days consistently.Been wanting to lose some weight, control my diet more, and get rid of my snacking habits.So far it’s been going very smoothly. It can get a little tough in the mornings, but I can still track it well and stick to things.

Some concerns are weight fluctuations, but thankfully it’s just been a steady decline. I’ve lost about seven pounds these past two weeks, just need to keep up my caloric deficit more.


IF, 22/2 day 6, SW (102.75) CW(102.75)

Yesterday I checked and it was 102.00 but today its again the same as starting weight. I consume 1500 calories during my eating window. My tdee is 2500 calories. What i am doing wrong? Or will it take some time?


Day 3, IF 18:6

SW: 308lbs , CW: 304.6lbs, GW: 275lbs

This is my second real go at IF. I did it in conjunction w/ Keto about 4 years ago and lost 35lbs. Put it all back on within 2 years and added another 15lbs during/since Covid. I spent Sunday meal-prepping and calculating my daily caloric intake. I won’t be doing Keto this time around; more of a low carb meal plan.

I’m at the “water weight loss” stage. It was nice to step on the scale this AM and see I’d lost 3.5 lbs. It’ll all balance out but it’s just nice to see.


Day 1 of Week 11

I’m up 1 lb this morning and have HUNGRY since I woke up. Started noticing a little stomach upset and finally realized - it’s my cycle 🤦🏻‍♀️. Just gonna ride it out.

On the plus side I usually see a little loss on the back end of it which if it holds true this time would coincide nicely with meeting my end of August mini-goal.


Week 6 Day 4

OMAD | Weight Lost: 25lbs

I switched back to OMAD and did strength training. Today was a rough day at work for me mentally. I just wanted to drown myself in a pack of Oreos and milk but I stuck with WFPB foods and ate a burrito and made my own cookies from scratch and ate them with oat milk. I didn’t over eat thanks to IF. Normally when I feel sad I just say f it and overeat.

I hope everyone had a great day.

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