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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Im 38h into my first fast and feel great right now. Is it okay if I push it a little further? Maybe to 48h? I don’t feel like eating right now to be honest. (Only tea fast, to clear my system and lose weight)


Type: 16:8 - on my 11th hour using the Zero app to helpe keep track.I started January 17th and I am working on my 8th day of fasting. I started because I was 199lbs last week and I felt upset with myself and felt as if my eating was out of control. I used to weigh 260 and had gotten down to 178 but I had gone back up to 195 and stayed that way until last weeks bloat. I felt I needed more structure in my eating habits and I am needing to train for my job (running, weightlifting etc). This morning I weighed in at 193.0. I am hoping that coupled with my workout regimen I can reach 180 and get faster in my running time. Being heavy and running can really wear on your knees and I don’t want to be in pain. Also I would love to get back to 180 or 175 and just maintain for atleast 6 months or more before trying to lose more weight.


Day 13 of 16:8 (though usually closer to 17:7)

SW 190, CW 185, GW 155. 5’10 F.

It’s starting to get easier, I’m feeling like I may start adding workouts during my eating window soon. My goal is to make it to 21 days in a row before allowing myself a cheat day.

My overall goal is weight loss and increased energy.


Day 7: Been doing OMAD.

Fasted for 25 hours.

Trying to lose 140lbs.

SW: 444(was doing keto at the beginning) CW:425 GW: 300 5’10” 36yo m

Existential dread really started to set in when I turned 36 back in July. I guess I want to not only live longer but be able to do fun things again like theme parks or just even sit at a booth at a restaurant or buy clothes at a normal store


Hello !!

First let me reiterate how grateful I am for this sub I ve been feeling extremely lonely due to so many things happening in succession: divorce- leaving ultra religious life style- changing careers and covid - in succession. I found myself lonely and I find the thought that I don’t have to do this transformation work alone so comforting : to know that there are other humans reading this. It makes me feel less alone. Ok on it !!

Type : water until late dinner Context : fast every other day: the fast “ day “ starts when u wake up and ends around 7 pm when I eat dinner

Length: till I lose 20 lbs

Why ?

1- to remember what it feels like to be hungry and be okay with it.2- toRegulate hunger signals 3- to eat less calories overall 4- to get a f** break from OBSESSIVELY thinking about my next food-dopamine hit: fasting gives me a mental break

Notes: it’s going well. I started a podcast , daily 10 minutes recording of how my day went and my fasting/ conscious eating journey. The podcast is a way for me to share and again, feel less lonely and accountable.


I m on Day 2 of IF 16:8SW 85.0kgYesterday had hunger pangs. That’s when I joined this reddit.Today also the hunger is there, but m holding out. Gotta a headache though.Taking care to drink lots of water. And trying to stay distracted from hunger and trying to get some sleep.


Start Date: 1/12/22


Fast Duration (OMAD - 23:1)


Why? Big Boi (SW: 440)


Notes: I am down 15 pounds in 12 days. I need to look into a calorie counter to make sure I am eating enough. I am normally consuming around 1800-2000 calories, and I think it is not enough.


I’ve been doing 20-4 since January 9th! Started at 270 and have gotten down to 263ish. Definitely easier than I expected. Just gotta remind yourself you eat when it’s time and you get used to it pretty quickly

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