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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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I’m (34/F) on Month 3 of OMAD

I’m just posting a little rant because I’m so annoyed at this point. I’m approximately 9 days into a plateau. I know that this is during the time of my cycle that water retention/gain is likely but it’s still incredibly demotivating. I am also not wanting to extend my fast further because I feel like what I do now is habit and I’m afraid of derailing myself. I’m also having a lot of food cravings. Today I will continue my OMAD (although definitely an unhealthy meal) and try to enjoy myself and reassess this week.


23 | female | 5’5”

SW: 145

CW: 138

GW: 125

Type of fast: water, tea, coffee/caffeine

Context of fast: first day fasting!

Length of fast: I am trying the 16:8 model. I am a breakfast person, though, so instead of the typical eating 12pm to 8pm, I’m eating 8am to 4pm.

Why?: I spent a majority of autumn and winter focusing on my performance in the gym, nailing form and gradually increasing weight. I now want to cut calories to be lean for summer.

Notes: My plan is to reduce carbs and alcohol, increase my protein intake, and implement IF as much as possible, since snacking and drinking at night definitely caused me to gain weight in the past year. However, I’m curious about how the calorie cut will effect my gym performance, if at all. I’m not sure about the idea of “fasted cardio” but I’m going to give it a try in the coming week.

Also, last night while I was “fasting” I did drink water with C4 (low-cal pre-workout) and then later Isopure, a 90 calorie protein supplement, after my workout. I read online that anything over 50 calories will disrupt the body’s fasting state, but I don’t think I’m going to stop taking Isopure after my workouts bc it’s so protein dense and I want to build lean muscle… so I guess… semi-fasting?


31 | male | 6’6”

SW: 330lbs

CW: 314lbs

Current GW: 275lbs by April 1st

Long Term GW: 225lbs

Type of fast: snake juice 2L water (1tsp baking soda & no-salt, and 1/2tsp table salt) 400mg of magnesium pills (4x100) and a multivit.

Context of fast: 90 days of 92/4

Length of fast: about 60hours into my second 92.

Why: Ultimately, weight loss, but also breaking down old habits like eating when its there in front of me, eating when bored, eating garbage when I’m depressed.

Notes: this might seem weird, but I feel better on fasting days than the last day I ate 60 hours ago; indigestion, bloating, sluggish - sure I get hunger pains but drink a few mouthfuls of water and move on.

Also, I know “Snake Juice” gets a bad rap, but aside from a bit of gross aftertaste, that stuff is making me feel soo much better! I used to get headrushes when standing up and wicked headaches, I assumed caffeine withdrawal but it might have just been electrolyte imbalance… Give it a whirl before you throw shade, that’s all I’m saying.


Hello there

I am starting this week with OMAD

So far I am 7 hours in

16 hours to go

Goal for this week is to lose 2lbs

CW: 127.4 lbs

GW: at the end of this week : 125lbs

GW overall 115 lbs

Last night I ate chicken and broccoli and ice cream along with Cadbury Oreo bites and a garden salad, so probably went over the daily calorie limit

I also completed ✅ 3,000 steps

I feel good so far

I wish you all the best of luck this week!

Oh and popcorn. I forgot I ate popcorn. I popped the kernels on the stove so yeah..definitely went over my daily calorie limit.


I just started water and black coffee fasting for weight loss and brain health purposes. I’m a few days in and have started with the 16:8 protocol. I’m considering adding a 24 hour fast once a week. Can anybody tell me if this is a good idea?


Type: water / black coffeeContext: 36h Weight:-SW 75kg-CW 73kg -GW 67kg

Why?: loose weight, be comfy in my skin, be more toned

How’s it going?: really hungry right now but already in bed so I’ll sleep my way through 😴

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