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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Just joined this sub. I’m a very active 39 year old female. I do six days of strength training/ hiit workouts along with low intensity walking 10k footsteps as a daily goal.

I never count calories and mostly eat plant based (a lot of basmati rice) with some chicken here and a fish there. No red meat. No junk food but I love going to restaurants and eating out. I don’t drink but I do occasionally drink a glass of wine or two. I love desserts and sugar. I weigh normal, infact in great shape.

I thought I was healthy until late December when I got hit by chronic asthma. I went to see my doctor and she recommended tests. The tests showed extremely low levels of vitamin d, iron and inflammation in my body. My b12 levels are also high. My thyroid levels were low and she diagnosed me with hashimoto’s disease. I’m devastated to say the least.

My guess is that I may be over exercising which probably raised the cortisol levels in my body. My mental health is so so. I have some depression but I refused to take antidepressants in the past. I’m a busy working mom who goes part time to college so that might have contributed to some stress also.

I’m here to change my lifestyle. I’m scaling back on workouts to 3 times a week and adding yoga/ meditation/journaling/reflection along with IF. Today is my day 2. I’m doing 16:8 fasting and hoping that I can reverse my inflammation and feel good again. I want to be my best version and so here I go.


Newbie here! I’m doing 16:8 and it’s been 7 days since I started.

While fasting, I drink water and black coffee. Not counting calories at this moment. I plan to stick with this for as long as possible, making it a lifestyle and hoping to have more energy, restrain from nighttime snacking and ultimately to lose weight.

I’ve already learned so much about my eating habits and the negative effects of nighttime snacks have hit me hard (all that extra weight!). I’m feeling energetic, motivated and really feel this is a lifestyle I can maintain.

F 5’7 - SW 205, CW 202, GW 158


Just started yesterday in an effort to drop the 20lbs the last two years has gifted me. I am a terrible snacker and can eat constantly. However I am already seeing a massive drop in appetite and hope that continues past the first few days. I am also trying to up my water intake which is abysmal right now.

43F, sedentary job, workout 3x a week (yoga, weights but no cardio currently).

SW 133 CW 132 GW 120

16:8 eating between 11am and 7pm with just water and black coffee (with stevia) during the fast.

As well as the weight loss I also need to get my stomach in gear because I’m always bloated lately. That also appears to be improving already.

Finally, only bad side effects are mildly painful hunger in the mornings and slight lightheadedness. Hopefully those will diminish as my body adapts. Thanks for reading!


For the past 2 months, I’ve been OMAD, but this week, I’m 18:6. Today was strange because I had my first meal after 1pm which was bacon, 3 soft boiled eggs, and a slice of toasted ciabatta bread with butter. It’s now 6:41pm and I’m not hungry, so I’m skipping dinner and will just have my 1/4 cup of ice cream and call it a night. Strange. Very strange.

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Categories: calories chicken fish meat sugar vitamin thyroid hashimoto cortisol stress coffee energy snack lose weight habits sedentary cardio weight loss stomach pain morning omad boil dinner