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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Doing 16:8 fast, only taking in water and a cup of black coffee in my fasting window. I’m aiming for 16:8 each day which I can hit easily but because of work sometimes it’s 18:6! I have some health issues caused by high cortisol. Trying to lose fat, gain muscle, improve my mental health and. Overall improve myself in and out to become a better version of myself for me and my partner + family ❤️

It’s been hard. I’ve tried to so many diets and things over the years but I feel like this is the thing that will work.

Hope everyone has a great day 😊


Still going steady at 20:4 and enjoying it. I find myself feeling great during my fast and then after meals it’s like a shot of endorphins. In the past I’d always feel bloated after meals, but these days I feel great.

Today is day 10.


I am doing daily fast. I am fasting 16:8. Drinking coffee with milk in it first thing in morning and no calories consumed during fast. I was doing a dirty fast and it wasn’t working for me so I have switched to nothing but the coffee in the morning. My weight is fluctuating! A lot! I lost 4 pounds. Gained .5 pounds. then now I have gained another 1.5. Is there somerhing I am doing wrong other than the coffee in the morning?


SW: 230 CW: 225.8 GW: 150

It’s week 2 of 16:8 and I am down almost 5 lbs, I am so happy! I feel like this time is different and my attitude is adjusted to lifestyle vs i-need-to-lose-weight-before-this-big-event. I am watching Dr. Fung videos and am really interested in the science behind food and metabolism rather than just appearance.

I am starting to get hungrier and cravings now. Looking into ways I can stay more satiated!


New faster here, open to advice or criticism.

Male, 29, 1 week into 20:4, looking to lose 5 kg in 5 weeks. Is this do-able or insane??

I have done IF 16f or 18f before and always found it effective and manageable. Now I’m upping the work to get down to goal weight for a wedding in Feb. SW: 93 kg, GW: 85kg, CW: 90kg. I’m managing two healthy meals in the 4 hour window (porridge with nuts, seeds, fruit and a main of veggie/beans/rice type dish usually) I’m not super concerned about calories but with no snacking I’m definitely not going over 1500/1600 ca/day, max.

What I’m most curious about is how to best manage my exercise. I go on small regular runs (5 - 7km, 2 or 3 x week), walks (7 - 15 km, 2 or 3 x week) or cycles (15km 1 to 2 x week). I usually try to do a small walk (2 -3 km) in morning before breaking my fast and then a larger bout of exercise in the evening after starting the next fast.

Any advice on how to optimise exercise and eating habits for fast, effective weight loss? I’ve almost lost 2 kg in the week so far but that’s more reflective of my habits leading up to this (drinking lots, snacking lots, take-away, sedentary) so this rate won’t continue and I expect t9 plateau soon.

Any help is appreciated, muchas thanks!


Been doing 16:8 for the past two weeks and now I’m transitioning to 20:4. It’s my 3rd day today and I have troubles falling asleep. Is this even normal?

Also I feel so much lighter compared before that’s why I try my best not to overeat, and eat only during my eating window. Hopefully I could do it! The food at home is very tempting..


Type: Coffee/Water/Tea

Context: I slipped up today. I broke my fast at 12 hrs instead of 20…Completely forgot. So I will start again a bit later and do a 24hrs fast

Length : 24 hour fast

Why: weight loss mainly; stop snacking or eating while bored

It’s going okay. I can do it!


Hi guys I was wondering if anyone had any good resources on portion control.

I’ve been doing a 18-6 fast and i legit feel great even if i don’t lose weight. My next step is conquering portions, I have no idea what a proper portion size is and I’m wondering if I should try counting my calories.

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