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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Been doing 18/6 for a few months. Would like to lose about 10 pounds. I don’t use a scale but go by how my clothes fit. Being in my mid 60s I like the health benefits of fasting. I love this lifestyle and wish I found it sooner. I’m pretty good about sticking to it but sometimes life gets in the way but I don’t beat myself up over it


I have had a rough week with food being too available and goodies being too available and exercise being too unavailable and stressors being everywhere. My pants are tight and my appetite is a little nuts and I’m coveting goodies because I’m in a cycle of eating goodies. I know what to do and I know how to do, I just need to get those first three days in again and attack back on these couple or extra pounds. I’m a veteran IF-er on maintenance and I sometimes get in cycles where I out-eat my calories and have to lose that pesky last 10 again. That’s where I am now.

Losing this last 10 for the 4th or 5th time is way easier than losing a hundred, so I’m happy to have the structure to use as part of my diet.


Finished my 70 and a half hour fast. I felt great, light, and focused. I most definitely would like to repeat it. I’m counting on health benefits and autophagy. After eating slowly and with a break in my first meal, I felt good. After my second meal I decided to go for a walk. I thought I would feel sluggishness but nothing of the sort. Good!


Day 46, I’m in hour 17 of 16, just gonna do an 18:6 today. I had a couple sweets this week (pie on Weds and a soft baked cookie on Fri) and I wonder if that might’ve thrown me outta whack a little. Anyways, just going to keep doing what I’ve been doing in terms of calories and macros and hope the weight starts coming off again. I read that thread from a few days ago about grazing vs meals so I’m trying to graze less and instead consolidate my planned foods into meals to see if that makes any difference.


I think I’m starting to finally feel the benefits of time restricted IF more, as in I’m not as lethargic. I could sleep 10 hours and be so lethargic and the last couple days, I’ve been feeling more alert when I wake up. But that could also be because of yoga. Even light exercise has a great impact on mental and cognitive functioning. I definitely think it’s the yoga lol and I plan to keep up with it because I really want increased strength and flexibility.

What I like about my life the past year is my preciseness and learning what works best for me and my body. I’m still learning how to train properly and I taught myself how to eat whilst training last year and my life was so rich. Right now, I’m not training as much and I’d say I’m still learning how to fuel my body in ways that work best, so that I don’t have to rely on intense physical activity all the time just to eat well and feel good whilst eating especially with significant digestive issues/ GERD and IBS.

So I like that I’m more mindful and really want to do things right and in ways that feel good for me and will enable me to sustain a healthy lifestyle while I study really hard subjects and want to run.

I don’t have a social life at all. I’m in reform mode and now that I’m sober, I lost a lot of my friends. I also don’t have socials anymore so I lost tons of connections. I don’t always mind it, but I do hope to at least be more social in college and meet some others my own age. I plan to join a distance running club. I also have a young look, so I look younger than 18 year olds, so that may be in my favour lol. So when I am social, even with family, like outings and stuff, it’s a nice break. I think we’re all more socially isolated due to the pandemic.

I meant to get up early this am and run, but that didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow.

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