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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Day1 of Week18, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 89kg/196lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Today 88,9kg, maintained from yesterday, so that is the 2nd measurement under 89kg on a day where I’m eating, which means I’ll change my current weight in the flair to 89kg/196lbs on average.

It’ll probably get to 89.xkg maybe even 90kg due to the often mentioned slow digestion I have, but on average it seems things settle around 89kg.

Got my hands on some grape, so I’ll line that up for today’s “dessert”.Don’t know yet how things will be in the afternoon when I get home but the plan is making an attempt at quesadillas.

Not sure if It is related to the allergies, but I’m developing a toothache so my days wouldn’t be too boring :P

Only god knows when I can get to the dentist with it, so painkillers might become part of my diet for the time being.

Pollen concentration is relatively low(er) today as it was raining all night thankfully.

Count our blessings I suppose :P

Workout corner layout planned and hopefully I can get that arranged when I’m home and past my last meal of the day.

New Monday, new chances to make progress. Get them goals folk! ;)


week 2 day 3 | losing weight | 14/8 - 2MAD

This week I have maintained my weight, which is good I think after eating out three times, including a all you can eat restaurant.
This week I have no social events so my goal is to stick to a calorie deficit every day. And I want to be active every day (go swimming, walking etc.).

Maybe to inspire someone, my dinner today will be a whole weat tortilla with leftovers: red cabbage, some pulled porc and sauce from tomatoes, onion, beans and some shredded cheese. Will be filling for sure.
Lunch will probably be something with eggs and bread.


hello dears!

day hmm.. 26? of 20:4. weight went back up a little, oops! it was stormy yday and i’m scared of being struck by lightning, so i didn’t get to exercise. my city does a pass for low income ppl where u can sign up for it and get free access to various rec centres & other participating facilities, and there’s a rec centre close to my house. they have a track, which is obviously useful for rainy days and the fast approaching deep freeze lol. i’d be nervous about working out in public but eh. joys of being poor, y’know? even with at home workouts, i can’t maintain running when the sidewalk is icy!

i’ve found i’m losing somewhat of my taste for sweets. we’ve got some decently low cal popsicles that i’ve been enjoying, and i’ve been making my way slowly thru a bag of little reese’s cups, but there’s some like.. snack cakes and the like where it’s like 200cals for this?! goddamn! i just have to find some more lower cal snack options lol. fruit’s about to get expensive :(


NSV yesterday, I fit into jeans that I was able to wear pre-covid lockdowns! I’m also able to wear L shirts without the shirt riding up my stomach, so while they are still a little tight, I’m actually able to wear them outside of the house.

Quesadillas yesterday were good, made cheeseburger and hummus ones. They came out a little too salty so didn’t finish it, but had some roasted sweet potatoes to balance it out.

Today I plan a chicken kiev with some roasted russet potatoes (I gotta get through my potatoes and I’m on a kick). What I like to do is toss in olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, little salt and pepper, and lots of parsley. 425F in oven for 20 minutes and it’s delish.

Leg is much better today, but will be waiting until Wednesday before I do any sort of light treadmill walking. Tomorrow is another office day, last one of the month at least and I’ll get some light walking in that way.


Day 75 (my count was off yesterday)

2MAD and OMAD with occasional longer fasts

42F/5’8”, SW: 195 lbs (88.5 kg), CW: 168.4 lbs (76.4 kg), GW: 145 lbs (65.8 kg)

Yup, still fighting off whatever this illness is. I am in a pattern of “okay sleep-bad sleep-ok-bad”. Last night was okay sleep. Thankfully I fell asleep quickly, even though I was sleeping propped up on several pillows. I woke up at 4:15 and knew I’d be awake from then on, so I turned on my lamp, brewed a pot of coffee, and settled in for the “de-gunking” phase of waking up. Both eyes were crusty and red this morning and I could barely see at first. Lots of coughing now. Moderate congestion. Ears are better, thankfully. I know I will feel better as I spend more time with my head in the vertical position. Mornings are the worst these days.

But, this too shall pass. I’m going to see my primary care doctor today to get tested for flu, strep, and COVID (again). I’m supposed to start my classes today, and had to email one of my professors to let him know I won’t be there, find out what I need to do, etc.

I didn’t exercise this weekend; my energy level was just too low to do more than short bouts of housework.

My weight is trending slightly lower, but I’m guessing that’s the effect of no exercise. I’m eating my normal 2MAD.

I look forward to the day I can fast again for real, at least a 22:2, to maybe help clear out some of the illness. Waiting for day 1 of my cycle, which should be within the next few days.

Some days, this journey is a fun adventure. Other days, it’s a slog—but that’s true of any good journey. Hanging in there, it’ll get better.

Thinking about you two, u/ColemanV and u/IcyLanguage. Better days are ahead…


day 2!!! how exciting. I did IF for a bit last year, lost about 5 pounds, then slipped into a habit of slowly adding more and more calories into my coffee (cream, sugar, more sugar..)

I’m doing 18:6 right now, hoping to lose 20 pounds by the end of this year. I’m going to try to walk around more this year.

I bought some groceries last night to do some meal prepping this week. I’m really excited about my lunch today I almost ate it while making it this morning haha! Enthusiastic about saving money as well.

I know black coffee has about 5 calories; would consuming that out of my window be considering breaking the fast?


Week 6 Day 3

2MAD | Weight Lost: 25 lbs

Good morning! I’m thinking about switching back to OMAD.

Just finished a 5.4 mile walk. For todays menu: fruit smoothie, Asian vegetable pancakes w/ tamari lime sauce, pickled cucumbers, and cantelope.

Have a great day!


Week 10, Day 1
Mon/Wed/Fri Fasting, Low Carb OMAD, Weekends 16:8

SW: 213
Last Weigh-in: 193.2
Next Weigh-in: Saturday Morning
Goal: To stay under 200 into Sept and go on to 185.

I am here! After a week of OMAD and some slips, I am here. And groggy! Very groggy.

I’m going to visit my family starting Sept 3 for four days and want to stay strong on schedule before then. Over there, it’ll have to be 16:8 because there are bound to be so many homemade foods in my future and you must appease grandma by eating her cooking.

So, I’m sticking straight and narrow to the former schedule after my week off. This time, with tweaks.

I’m cutting out my C4 energy drink in the morning because I’m reading C4 does break a fast and gives some insulin response. No calories on fasting days besides the negligible 1-5 from coffee/vitamins. No 50 calorie icepop! I really thing that was my undoing, giving myself sugar mid day… major cheats. Some people write 50 and below doesn’t break but I realize I become very hungry.

Same thing, water, sodium and vitamins. I’ve done so freakin’ well!

IF only fails when you quit.

Home today because it’s raining (out door job) so time to make myself busy and scarce from the kitchen!



Day 7, IF, 16/8 38F/5’3”SW: 187.2lb (84.9kg)CW: 179.8lb (81.5kg) GW: 145lb (65.7kg)

Good morning. Hoping the tired and irritable phase will be over soon. Returning to the gym today for 30 minute workouts and walking.


Day 7 of Week 10 - 16:8, SW 236.4 lbs, CW 215.7 lbs, GW 170 lbs

One pound away from my August goal and 9 days left. It won’t end me if I don’t make it but oh! the suspense, as I’ve been hovering just above 215 for 6 of the last 7 days.


OMAD in a different direction today — had a nice lunch at the beach yesterday (tomato sandwiches, cucumber w salmon roe, fresh berries) — skipped dinner, now gonna try and truck on through to dinner tonight for around a 30 hour fast total. I got iced tea on deck and a splash of milk in my coffee.


22F, 16/8, Day 70

I had a bad day of fasting yesterday, but that was because my friend came in from out of town and we got breakfast at 9 AM. I don’t usually break my fast until later in the day, so I ended up eating until my normal time and the additional hours at the beginning of the day really wrecked my stats for the day. That’s okay though, some days it is just hard to fast normally. I am doing well when I have full control of my day.

I think that has been one of the harder things about fasting is when my schedule isn’t totally in my control, I eat outside of when I am supposed to. I’ll go over to my family’s house for dinner and food is ready outside of my eating window, stuff like that. But that is when I just need to hold out a little longer before I start eating.


Week ? day 1 | 18-6 -2MAD

I’ve been doing some 16-8 IF for the last 4 weeks. The 4 weeks was more of a trial/grace in period to see if I could do it, and I can. I haven’t tracked the last 4 weeks, took some before pictures Sunday and will begin weight tracking when my scale comes in from Amazon. On a stricter 16-8 schedule with 2MAD. Smaller lunch since I’m at college, and a bigger dinner.


18 hours into a 48 hour water only fast. Going good, occasional hunger that’s easily ignored. I’m type 2 diabetic and 90lbs overweight. I do carnivore and 20:4 fasting normally. Decided to start doing weekly fasts at the beginning of the week as well. Goals are blood glucose management, weight loss, and potentially more importantly fat removal from my liver and pancreas.


Week 1 day 1 - Starting OMADSW: 173 lbsGW: 135 lbs

I started OMAD today and am posting here to help keep myself on track. I’ve lost weight before but gained it back due to not watching my diet at university. My goal is to get into the habit of OMAD and then start incorporating exercise into my daily routine to lose weight. Hoping to finally see change and start my fitness journey by the end of the year!


Week 1, day 1. 18/6CW: 105kg

I’m just starting today. I struggle with binge eating and currently working with my therapist in goals for my eating habits rather than a final weight.

My goal is to keep a scheduled healthy eating for 8 weeks, and we chose 18/6 IF because I’ve done that in the past and really liked how it made me feel, also because that means basically just skipping breakfast and having a late lunch, and I’m never hungry in the mornings anyways. I just eat out of habit.

So that’s where I am right now. Starting on a Tuesday, because I never respect Mondays anyway


Week 29, Day 1 | IF | 16:8 | SW: 180Ibs CW: 165 Ibs

Started intermittent fasting to prevent myself from binge eating snacks at night, which caused me to gain 30 ibs. I always been considered overweight since I was a kid, but hitting 180 was my all time high max weight and I never felt more insecure until I couldn’t fit into my clothes anymore. Diets and exercise routines never worked for me since I was a kid, so I thought why not give IF a try. At first, it was a bit tough because I never really did proper research on how to do IF. I just assume it restricts eating hours so I kept a schedule to eat at a certain time (12pm-8pm). I never knew of being flexibility with schedules or the dangers of losing muscle mass if not eating or exercising properly. But now that I did so much research, I am doing IF more properly now in terms of eating better than before and being flexible when I hang out with someone at night. I still have yet to exercise which is kinda the reason why I haven’t made any big progress on my weight. I do plan to go to the gym after I finish my finals week which ends in two week, so I got that journey coming up soon :3

My concerns:Lately I have been eating one meal per days and I’m scared it is having an impact on my health or muscle mass (without realizing it). Just for some odd reason I don’t feel hungry after eating a big meal, as if it has satisfy my appetite throughout the day. I don’t know if this is normal when doing IF, but I wonder if I should force myself to eat a second meal..I also started dating a guy once a week and every time I hang out with him, I end up breaking my eating schedule/ fast because we tend to play boards game which always involves alcohol till night. I never drank alcohol before (unless it was a special occasion) until I started dated him, and I feel like drinking alcohol once a week is definitely impacting my goal of losing weight lol. Game night is always fun with alcohol, so I wonder if I should limit the amount of consumption when I hang out with him like one beer or if I should go back to not drinking at all.Lastly, if there is any recommendations of doing beginner at home exercise for an overweight college student, I’m all ears.I want to do IF more properly now by adding exercise to my routine but I’m lost on what exercise I should start with and how long I should do it for in one day.

Overall I am making some progress with IF and I’m happy I have gotten to 165 ibs :D

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