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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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20:4 IF. Coffee and Water.
Day 6.
Weight Loss.
SW: 265. CW: 263. GW: 199.
-2 lbs in 6 days. I cheated a little bit a couple days, so that has impacted my weight loss. On track for completing the 20 hours today. 9 hours to go. I’m thinking I will shoot for 2 lbs per week. I am counting CICO and other stuff using fitbit. I’m curious to see how accurate the match works out after I get a couple months of data. Cheers. Happy Friday.


Water fast


Weightloss, and better control over food!

Nonscale victory! I put on my every day jeans fresh from the dryer, and they fit without my needing to stretch them. I’ll take it. Down 6lbs since I started on 12/18. It took about a month to really start losing, but now that I have I’ve started to see the scale go down regularly. It’s a slower pace, but it’s what I’ve been able to sustain. And now I know this works for me, I’m super motivated to keep it up.


14 hours into my daily 23:1. I cannot seem to kick this sweet tooth, so I’ve ended almost every eating window with cookies or ice cream (still keeping my calories low). I know that’s impacting my ability to feel good during my next day’s fast, and possibly my water retention.

Trying to convince myself to adjust my OMAD, and start alternating between lunch one day, dinner the next, etc. As a woman, I am thinking it will help with continued weight loss based on what I’ve heard / read from others- seems our bodies adjust pretty quickly to eating at the same time each day and the 36 hr fast, one meal, 12 hour fast, repeat keeps the body guessing. I’ve struggled through the few 36’s I’ve done so I am nervous I’ll fail, but if nothing else a few days of change will hopefully charge up my metabolism!

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