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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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OMAD fasting for 2 weeks now, water and coffee in between only. Lost 11lbs so far. Because of my work schedule I found it easy to commit. My routine goes like this: I work 3rd shift so I go to sleep at 7am. I wake up at 3pm have coffee at 4pm which usually fills me up pretty good for a few hours. I have a good size dinner between 7 or 8pm. Start work at 11pm and usually still full at 1:30am (Lunch.) Drink lots of water at work. Start getting hungry by quitting time (7am.) I live 5 minutes from work so I go straight home to sleep. Repeat. The only hard part is having my sons over on weekends and having to cook or go out for 3 meals a day for them and smelling their food. But I’m hanging in there pretty good. Showing very noticeable changes to my face and waist line. Might make this a lifestyle.


I’m brand new to fasting, I’ve completed 3 fasts so far and am now on my fourth.

I’m doing 16:8, I start at 5 pm, finish at 9 am. My work schedule is 7am to 7pm 3 days a week.

I’m doing this to lower my cancer risk and lose weight. I’m also drinking 1 gallon of water per day, which is new for me as well.

Anyone using the fastic app? I really like it so far, it helps me with motivation when I’m in the middle of the fast.


> *Type Water

> *Context Started Saturday, will end Monday around dinnertime.

> *Length 45 hours

> *Why? lose weight, feel better, reduce inflammation.

> Notes *How is it going so far? I’m a teensy bit headachy, and will put together electrolytes today. Otherwise, surprisingly not hungry. Happy to just drink water.

> *Any concerns? Refeeding.

> *Insights to share? I worked up to this by doing OMAD last week, which I think helped prepare me.


•Fasting for weight loss

•Eating window: noon-8pm or 2pm-8pm

•Length: 16:8 a few days, mostly 18:6

•Need to lose 15-20#… trying to make better food decisions

•I’ve been IF since mid December and have lost ~15#. I took the last week off because seasonal depression and pms had me in quite a way… but I lost more than I have in weeks previous. Calorie counting or even monitoring has not been a priority… is it possible that this indicates I’m not taking in enough calories while fasting?


Day 16 of IF, started with 16:8 but now doing 18:6 because my appetite and schedule allows it and honestly, I’m desperate for results. Feeding window noon to 6 p.m. Water, black coffee and green tea when fasting.

F 5’7 SW 205 CW 203. Barely any progress and right now I’m a bit discouraged since I’ve been moderately active and counting calories, should have a good defecit of 500-800 per day…

However, I enjoy the feeling of having control of my eating and getting entirely rid of late night snacking. It has also given me a reason to cut alcohol out, since it doesn’t fit well with the lifestyle. I will go on, I want to believe and trust in the process. Only problem so far has been my bowel movements slowing down.


20:4 faster here; water/coffee/C4 … Week two is a go!

I’m a wild eater that’s always cried and hated how I’ve eaten during the day and get obsessed down to the tiniest bit of all the food consumed through 24 hours. I’m fasting to control my eating habits to a certain window and within that window get a better grasp on what I eat. The timing helps tremendously!

After a tough weekend of trying to survive a challenging food schedule I can happily say at least I stayed in four hour windows!… But last night Italian dinner couldn’t be avoided and I ate way too many carbs over protein so… pray for me today. It’s gonna be rough without that protein to keep me full… but, but the garlic bread!



Type of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.)Food

Context of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.)2nd day of 16:8. I work 8-5. So my eating schedule is 12pm - 8pm Fasting 8pm-12pm

Length of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.)Every day for 2 weeks and will go from there.

Why? What you hope to accomplish with your fastDesperate to lose weight

Notes How is it going so far? So far so good. I’m very motivated.

Any concerns? If my son’s health deterotiates will I be able to stay motivated.

Insights to share? I start getting hunger pains around 10am / 11am. Stomach is growling now. I ate my last meal at probably 4/5ish because it was the weekend. But during the week I typically eat around 6/7pm.


None. It’s just 2 days.


Just started 16:8 fasting. I try to “clean fast” during my fasting window but today there was some milk in my coffee. Been fasting for 3 weeks now. 1st week was 14:10. 2nd week was 15:9. Fast starts at 7pm and ends at 11am. Main goal is lose weight. Others goals are increased energy and not feeling hungry. So far I’ve lost 4 lbs and in doing much better at ignoring the hungry.


Type: water/coffee/herbal tea/salted waterContext: started 8pm Sunday, ends 8am TuesdayLength: 36+ hrsWhy: I do a 36hr+ fast 3 x per week for mental clarity, health, improved asthma and reduced inflammationNotes: this is my 6th/7th alternate day 36 hr fast so getting used to it pretty well. Hours 20-24 are usually the hardest and I get twitchy and irritable, but learning how to adapt around the hours. I always go to bed early on fasting days to get past the feelings of rage! Feeling good so far today!


Just breaking my fast now at noon. Had a light breakfast themed meal, feels wrong not to call it lunch, given the time. I dont have a firm start weight, but I tell people 255. I’m 250 today after 3 weeks. I miss having a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, but black coffee on an empty stomach makes me dizzy. The first 2 weeks it was a slog till noon for my first cup. Now I find that I have almost enough energy to make it through the day with out a cup and I drink it more or less recreationaly.

I’ll end my eating window at 7:30, unless dinner takes too long to make. Hard cut at 8pm.


I just did my first 24 hour fast and feeling so stoked! After some really heavy rich meals when my sister was visiting I didn’t eat from lunch yesterday until lunch today, and was amazed by how easy it felt!

Have been doing 14:10 minimum for the last few weeks with a couple of days off. Loving it!

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Categories: omad coffee sleep dinner lunch to fast lose weight fastic electrolytes refeeding fasting for weight loss eating window calories tea courage snack alcohol habits carbs pain stomach clean fast energy alternate day morning 24 hour fast