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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Had a weird day yesterday, which was officially two weeks since starting 18/6.

My daily blood sugars started like always, woke with a 160, so not aweful. At 1 PM I ate lunch with my wife and daughter, realized I had forgot my Humalog. So I tried to keep things under control, had some brisket and a few fries I snagged from my wife. Blood sugar peaked at 138, NICE. (Remember no insulin)

Last night was preparing for dinner, a salad and couple of brats, my sugar was at 111. Talked to my daughter (a nurse) and my wife, decided to try a little experiment and did not take Humalog with my meal. My sugars peaked at 130 and was back to 111 by bedtime.

Woke this morning with a sugar of 142, which is lower than normal for my wake up.

Now sure if this is from the fasting or not but loving the fact that the only insulin I had all day was my Lantus. One of goals is to get rid of insulin to help with weight lose, hoping this is a first step.


33f / 5’10 / 217 lbsWater/Coffee/Tea Fast // 20:4

Day 2 of fast restart after being sick for 5 days and having to consistently ingest food and stuff to get better. I have to say, jumping right back into it was smooth..! Even being home all day yesterday I managed to eat from 4 to 8. Here’s to a new first week!


25NB / 5’9” / 230 lbs.Water/coffee/tea fast, 2nd day of IF! 14:10 as I ease in. I started at 9pm last night and am 11 hours in. It definitely helped to go to bed early, although getting used to black coffee is going to be an adjustment!


It was my gf’s birthday this weekend so I took a break from IF. To compensate I’m doing a 48h fast for my first time ever, I’ve been doing OMAD and 18:6 for months. 36h in and it’s easier than I though :)


37F 66.1kg 172cm

I had my first 500 calorie fast in years yesterday; I had started fasting after having my now 8 year old daughter, but developed thyroid problems- my fat melted away and I didn’t have to consider fasting!

Fast forward to now and I’ve put on 6kg /?8lbs which I blame on lockdown takeaways….so wanting to lose that to fit nicer into my clothes.

I think I ate about 600 calories, I fasted until teatime, I was SO hungry and struggled to sleep, but this sub gave me support by reading all the success stories. I also found drinking miso soup and decaff coffee and tea helped get me through. Also had a fybogel and low calorie jelly, then ate a curry for tea. I also went on my stationary exercise bike for a bit and went out for walks, which took my mind off the hunger.

Planning on doing this twice a week if I can fit it in (5:2).

Feel a bit nauseous today and slightly lightheaded but ok…. hopefully I can manage to do it on Thursday again.


I just started IF last week. I’m 42/F and hoping to lose about 20lbs (I’m only 5’2’’). I’m hoping I can strictly do 16:8 during the week and be a little less strict on the weekends, but obviously not go nuts. Has that worked for people?

I’m new to all of this. Trying to read/learn as much as I can. Thanks!


Day 2 doing 20 hour fast. Not really restricting the kind of food I eat this time around. I’ve always done 16/8 but I never realized how easy it is to ease into 20. I guess it’s a mindset thing. Like when I was doing 16, I’d be hungry 14 hours in. I didn’t really feel hungry these past couple of days, but the first day I felt really tired after eating. I slept almost ten hours when I’d normally have 7. Today was much better, I guess. Hit my step goal, too. My goal is to have a week straight of this kind of fast, and then see from there.


Day 31 on Work Day OMAD. Plan is 18-6, but frequently doing 20-24 hr fasts. Past two weeks have had a 36 or 40 hr fast around Wednesday just because of hectic day. Just started introducing exercise back in the plan this weekend, since new ADHD medication is kicking in. Blood sugars have dropped from average 150 to 102.

Everything is looking better except for weight. I lost about 10-11 pounds and now I’ve plateaued. (Hence adding exercise) I figure I’m overeating during my window, so I’m starting back in My Fitness Pal. The big thing I’ve noticed though, is I’m not releasing much of what I eat. Sometimes it’s days before I have a BM. Is this common among OMAD?

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Categories: blood sugar lunch dinner sugar morning coffee tea sick omad thyroid calories struggle sleep 20 hour fast mindset medication